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Bluboo x ray 0f permanent and baby teeth 10

bluboo x ray 0f permanent and baby teeth

bluboo x ray 0f permanent and baby teeth

bluboo x ray 0f permanent and baby teeth

bluboo x ray 0f permanent and baby teeth

bluboo x ray 0f permanent and baby teeth

bluboo x ray 0f permanent and baby teeth

Any advice would be much appreciated! I know about prevention and all that. A radiograph will help to determine if there is a problem or not--like a supernumerary tooth or something.

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Now my 16 month old only has 1 upper lateral incisor on top. However, if the baby tooth is lost or needs to be removed, other options can also be discussed. China smartphones online shopping My mother missing some. Rhonda was wonderful, as always.

What Problems Can Dental X-Rays Detect?

Another is that the root of the tooth is not formed enough to push the tooth through. I was wondering if I had done the right thing.

How Often Should Teeth Be X-Rayed?

Stephanie on August 9, at Dean Brandon at 9: What does that indicate? My 11 year old son is missing 15 adult teeth. It just started growing in in the past year, and it is at an angle. Dental Development and Pathology.

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16.02.2018 - Can you tell there are two missing teeth? My sons baby teeth all four did this. Carol on December 8, at 4: Hi I came across this website by accident and am in desperate need of advice as I have 2 baby teeth on the bottom teeth of my mouth.

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10.03.2018 - Knowing that you will be putting a lot of time and money investments into replacing these teeth is important! If a child is missing their adult teeth, It is possible to keep baby teeth as long as they are healthy and can support the bite. Kaushik on May 6, at 2: My doaguhter is very preatty and she is devastated even if we try not to make a big deal in front of her. Kathryn on November 26, at 1: If you have any questions, please give us a call at

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24.02.2018 - Liza on November 10, at 9: I feel better after this article. Missing all of your adult teeth is extremely rare. Its the second last one on the bottom right side, will I grow a new one? I have never heard of such a thing, everyone I have ever known has had all their teeth! There is only so much that can be done in young children. Rhonda was wonderful, as always.

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The pediatrician said not to worry, it may come later… Please suggest what to do??? Hi I came across this website by accident and am in desperate need of advice as I have 2 baby teeth on the bottom teeth of my mouth.

I am 26 years old and have no decay in them I think? Well no pain atm If I removed them I would have a large gap and this would cause other teeth to tilt?

What do I need to do? Should I see an orthodontist? And how much would this cost? Any advice would be much appreciated! I am embarassed to admit this but, I am 24 yrs.

I like many people in my family have missing permanent teeth. The difference is that I only developed 12 permanent teeth and I have a very thin jawbone. I have been told by an orthodontist and a dentist that my jawbone is too thin to even get dentures without graphic bone surgery.

I haven't been back to a dentist or orthodontist since I was 17 this was 7 years ago. I've sort of gaven up because no professional could help me. Do you think there has been enough med.

I can't get my insurance to cover graphic bone surgery because it is considered to be cosmetic. His dentist removed his baby teeth and the next set of teeth which sat above his baby teeth.

To date his permanent Central incisors have not come in. What options do we have to give him a normal smile without the teasing and jokes that come along with being his age with no front teeth.

My almost 7 year old August 6th b-day daughter lost both of her top incisors?? There are no signs at all of either side erupting. Should I be worried and take her in to be x-rayed?

At 12 I would expect front central incisors to be in. An x-ray by your dentist might be helpful in answering your question. When there are missing permanent teeth, we usually look at the orthodontic situation to see if anything can be done there while they are young and the dentition is still developing.

Upper lateral incisors are notoriously slow to come in. Might be ok to ask your dentist to see if an x-ray would help answer your question. I am so relieved to read on your site that there is another child out there missing 9 adult teeth.

My daughter who is 9 found this out yesterday. It is scattered, throughout her mouth, no pattern. I truly am worried, but see there is nothing that can be done at this point.

Even though the proof is on the panoramic xray, should I still seek another opinion? There is only so much that can be done in young children. I have a daughter who will be turning 3 in 2 months.

She is missing her upper lateral incisors. I have never heard of such a thing, everyone I have ever known has had all their teeth! I can see by reading some of these comments that it's more common than I thought.

Anyway, when should I get her mouth xray'd? Is there a chance that her permanent lateral incisors might be there? And is it common for the baby ones to be missing, but the permanent one come in no problem?

Just because the primary teeth are missing does not necessarily mean the permanent ones are affected too, but I have seen that too. I can usually get an x-ray of the upper front teeth at age three or four.

Are you aware of ANY programs that could help us? Not much help from me I'm afraid. I do know Medicaid is for families with limited income. There are some State run programs for children a little above the Medicaid level.

In Alabama it's called ALkids. Otherwise, most treatment like that is over a long period of time so things sometimes can be spread out. Of course discuss all this with your doctors.

Brandon, I am a physician. My 8 year old son lost his medial incisors 4 months ago. The right permanent medial incisor came out normally, but there is no sign of the left one. When do we start to worry?

Generally--the upper central incisors come in between 7 and 8 years of age. The exact time varies. The left and right can come in at the same time but can be separated by up to 6 months.

A radiograph will help to determine if there is a problem or not--like a supernumerary tooth or something. My niece is 4 yrs old, after consulting with a specialist we found out she will only have 3 permenant teeth when she gets older!

She is scheduled to have surgery Aug. My question is, Is there any way her permenant teeth might just come in late? Please get back to me if you can? We realy don't want our baby to have to go through this surgery if it is unnecessary!

Kind of unusual to have that many permanent teeth missing. I do not know if you heard correctly, as many permanent teeth are not even formed on any x-ray at age 4 although many are including the front ones.

I have seen multiple missing permanent teeth with a syndrome called Ectodermal Dysplasia. If they have x-rays or can get them they can give an informed answer to your question.

Can't give you advice, but encouragement that whatever the case, it is likely manageable. You should feel confident in your decision or else get more information.

By the way, I take kids to the OR every week or so to restore badly decayed baby teeth. She is eight years old now. Her permanent bottom central incisors came out more than a year ago but no signs of eruption for the top ones.

Could this be because the were removed too early or is it possible that she does not have any adult teeth in the said area? An current x-ray might help. Still, the "average" time for central incisors to erupt is years of age.

There is always variation. We are looking into possible options to correct this. I am unfamiliar with national health programs affecting dentistry in other countries other than the USA.

Get it looked at by your dentist. I have three children. My oldest son was missing two permanent teeth and with ortho they made space between teeth and later we have to do implants.

My yonger daughter is missing 4 teeth two of the beside the big front teeth and the rest are mollers. But we are doing ortho with her with moving the eye teeth to beside the front teeth. And my little 4 year old already missing baby teeth never developed.

It seems like the more children I have the less teeth they develop. I am an eleven year old girl and my parents don't care about my teeth. I have an under bite and I also have a back tooth missing.

My back tooth has been missing since i was four, when it got ripped out. It is full of black gunk. Is there anything i can do too help my tooth or help my under bite?

I really need an answer because picture day is coming up soon!!! Sounds like you need a full dental exam--that way all your concerns will be addresses--it takes time.

Take a look at this Panoramic Radiograph. If you know what to look for, you will see several missing permanent teeth. This is more common that you may realize. It tends to run in families too, but not always.

If there is no permanent tooth there, then the baby tooth will likely remain. Premolars and lateral incisors seem to be the most common and third molars too. Usually it's just one or two teeth that are missing.

This x-ray shows Seven missing premolars! I've seen more than that on some kids. Treatment can vary and can be anything from doing nothing to orthodontic treatment to close spaces, to a bridge or implant placement at an older age.

The main thing is to know it is managable. In fact here is a patient who had two lateral incisors missing that's the two teeth on either side of the two middle ones. Orthodontic treatment closed the spaces.

Can you tell there are two missing teeth? Dean Brandon at 9: Dental Development and Pathology. Newer Post Older Post Home. Click the photo to view it on Amazon. Hi, My 11 year old daughter is missing 6 permanent teeth.

She us in braces now to open up space in front for implants of the 2 lateral incisors. Orthodontists all suggest pulling her 4 baby premolars and close those gaps now, but I wonder if I should just leave them there for as long as they will last.

What would you suggest? I would have closed all her gaps to eliminate the need to wear a flipper with fake teeth on it but because 4 teeth are missing on the top we thought it best to go this route.

My 13 year old son is also missing his top lateral incisors and because he refused to wear a flipper with fake teeth for the next 6 years we decided to just close the space and shape canines to look like incisors as best we can.

Easier to do since he was only missing 2 teeth. Now my 16 month old only has 1 upper lateral incisor on top. So my question is ….. I appreciate any advice. My 5 year old had his two front teeth removed at 10 mths.

The adult teeth have not appeared. He lost a baby tooth last night. I am worried about his front teeth. When should I expect them, approximately? I have a little girl who just turned 6 and all of her bottom teeth are gone and have been since she was 5 there is no sign of her permanent teeth growing back.

What could this b. And she has started loosing some of her top teeth but know sign of them growing back. Have you had a dentist x-Ray her mouth? They will tell you if permanent teeth are present.

There are conditions where children prematurely lose all baby teeth — so it might take awhile for permanent teeth to come in. Or, it may be she does not have permanent teeth.

If so, that can only be learned through a dental X-ray. She is missing 5 permanent teeth. Two permanent molars on top as well as a top front tooth, and, two permanent molars on the bottom. The ortho recommended having the four molar baby teeth pulled as the root system on all four was deteriorating.

Her dentist made sure, through x-rays, that this might be an appropriate procedure and proceeded with the extractions. The front permanent tooth never formed and the ortho said once the teeth are positioned he will create a falsy retainer for the front until she is old enough for a surgical implant.

She is eating alright, but, has definite and apparent problems eating. The staff at her ortho is ocassionally rude and not really very gentle. She is a special case and if my husband and myself should decide to take her somewhere else for proper care what should we look for?

We live in Farmington, NM and our resources are limited. I have called our dentist for his advice and am waiting for his response. Just curious how you would handle a situation like this.

My baby tooth has a cavity and it hurts. I was suppose to get it filled but my dentist said she didnt want to because it might make it looser. What should I do?

Hi, I am 13 years old and have lost nearly all my baby teeth and all of them have come through perfectly apart from one of my canines. I had lost my other canine and it took ages to grow through but I could feel it, it took about a year to come through fully.

Although it had a large bump on top of hole where it is supposed to grow which happened with my last tooth. Do you think it was too early to come through as most of baby teeth did come out later than the usual age?

I just found out yesterday that my 7 yr. I was wondering what underlying condition may cause this. Hi, I am 23 years old and still have one baby tooth left. I was told my whole life that that tooth did not have any adult roots above it so that when it does fall out I will have to get a fake one put in.

I take excellent care of my teeth and have never had any problems with the tooth, but recently while eating some banana chips I developed a hole in the baby tooth. Along with the small hole I now feel like the tooth is loose.

I have a dentist appt scheduled in a few weeks earliest they could get me in but I was just wondering if you have any advise for me as to what they will do or how much it may cost.

I am 21 and the teeth on either side of my front two teeth are still my baby teeth. My dentist is unsure whether I have adult teeth and has suggested that I get them taken out and get a bridge.

One of the baby teeth feels loose so will have to come out soon. But if i get a bridge this will mean constant replacement every two years which may cost quite a bit.

I have been very conscious of my teeth especially as I have a gap also. I am unsure of what to do are there any more permanent solutions. My daughter is 7 and is missing the same permanent teeth you are.

These are fake teeth permanently implanted into the bone in your mouth. You are 21 and ready to do this. Do not visit your current dentist ever again. Understanding if you have permanent teeth or not is a very simple X-ray.

I am missing both of my canines on the top of my mouth and all of my wisdm teeth. Should I be worried?. Do it have a chance to grow back? I have an 8 year old son who has two loose baby teeth next to his two top, front, adult teeth.

They have been loose for 8 months plus. He is naturally missing two adult teeth next to his two top front teeth. His one loose tooth is now slanted facing outward and he has been complaining about being nauseous over a week now.

He is seeing a dentist in a few days. They suggested when his adult canine teeth come in to bring them together with his two front teeth, using braces.. My son lost his baby upper teeth, the ones each side of his middle 2 teeth many months ago.

There is no sign of any new teeth but there is not much space as there is a big gap between his 2 front teeth. I thought this could be the reason but the dentist says she cannot feel any teeth in his gum but thinks she can feel them in his jaw?

She has referred him to an orthodontist and said they would answer any questions. We have a 3 month wait and I was wondering if dentists can always feel the tooth in the gum or if they can sometimes be missed?

Hi, I am Nick, I am 13 and have lost all of my teeth, or so i think. I lost my second to last molar on the top about a month and half ago. There is a piece of tooth about half the size of a popcorn kernel and it has not grown any since i lost the tooth.

Is it left over fragment or is it a new tooth. Also, I am losing the same tooth on the other side of my mouth. I have been taking extremely good care of it, but it is still loose.

I really hate to remove all three teeth if not absolutely necessary. Your thoughts are very appreciated. I have a daughter is going on 7 yrs after 2 months. I just turned 16 a week ago and my adult tooth is loose now.

Its the second last one on the bottom right side, will I grow a new one? And is there any way to get it to not come out, it only started hurting 2 days ago. I have a question my daughter grew all her baby teeth but two the one on each side of the cainines on the bottom so she only has 2 in the middle on the bottom shes 11 and has all her adult teeth but those two never grew in since birth does that mean those two teeth never existed?

He has a brace with fake teeth in order to ensure correct swallowing action and jaw development?? X-rays show that his permanent teeth are there, but are obstructed by the roots of the next teeth which are permanent.

He also had extra teeth in there which were not attached to the permanent front teeth but were like 2 small peas. These were removed and a little more space made in the bone. Space is also being made sideways by the brace.

I took him to a paediatrician as he is also a little small for his age although perfectly proportioned and with a very good diet and had an extra digit on his foot next to big toe with a little cartilage — this was removed at 6 months.

Writing the symptoms, it all sounds terrible actually, but he is a regular little guy, nice-looking and of above intelligence; very sporty too, a good drummer and horse rider.

He developed HSP twice — 2 years and a year ago and I am now wondering if there is something underlying or if this collection of symptoms means anything…there is no family history on either side to our knowledge.

I did not drink at all! My sister has suggested seeing a maxillo-facial consultant — Any suggestions would be welcome!! When i was about 5 i was jumping in a jumper and the net pulled one of my adult teeth with its root.

I went to the dentist 6 months ago, and she told me that I have high risk of cavity. Can the cavity be treated or it can just be covered with a crown? My son is 10 years old and went to see a dentist recently.

They had an xray done and the dentist said that there he had no permanent teeth. The dentist added that the only option for him is to have dentures. I would like to know if we have other options than dentures.

Hi my 10 year old had his visit with his dentist recently. The dentist did an xray and found that my boy has no permanent teeth. This finding has been double checked. I know about prevention and all that.

But is there another approach to this? Also, sahe had braces but now she has a retainer which really doesnt help. My daughter lost her bottom 2 central incisors just before she turned 5 and the adult teeth have come though no problem.

I found tonight that her bottom cuspids are loose and think this is too early. My brother 16 years old lost his tooth canine - lower jaw, right one. When he took an X-ray, the tooth which has to come up is still buried in the gum.

What is the problem and how to recover his tooth. Kindly help out with a reply. Hi, please please help me, my son who is Years old has had to of his teeth which were wobbling have come out, I am really worried as he soon will be getting braces in, is that normal for teeth to come out, HE Is very upset that why his teeth have come out now, will new teeth be growing or not, I am deeply concerned, what should I do, please any advice and suggestion will help,.

My daughter is 18months old and has her four front teeth four bottom teeth and two back molars on top and bottom. The baby canines have not come through yet, all her teeth came through quickly without big time frames between.

Is this normal that the canines are bit through get? The x ray shows adult tooth tilted in the gum itself. What can be the possible options i can have? Should i go for a dental implant?

Hello, I am currently thirteen years old. And I have a missing adult tooth, next to my left front tooth. And I have gotten X-rays many times, and it showed that I have no permanent tooth existent above that tooth.

But earlier this month, a tooth started coming in above the baby tooth I kept it in So I removed the baby tooth, and it started to grow in. But it started showing indications that it was pointed. Like the baby canine next to it.

But then, it just stopped growing in. What does that indicate? Hi, my daughter is 7 and lost a bottom incissor tooth about a month ago and the new one never came in. She goes regulary to the dentist.

Yesterday the dentist said that it could be genetic and no tooth might come it at all. She did not have x-rays she will in december as per the dentist but he said he does not feel any buds even on other teeth.

Is it possible to actually feel if there is a tooth under the gums or only x-rays can verify that? My doaguhter is very preatty and she is devastated even if we try not to make a big deal in front of her.

Is there any hope? I got a question. I was wondering if that is something to worry about cuz I have a lose tooth rightnow and my aunt is saying that u already have all ur permanent teeth can tell me what I should do about this tooth and if it is a medical emergency.

I have a fifteen year old who lost his bottom right second molar when he was 13 and his adult tooth has not grown in yet he says he can feel holes in his gums where the tooth should come out and he also feels the small spikes of the tooth through the holes.

The area where tho tooth is supposed to be swells up at the bottom of the gum on the outside of the jaw. What should i do. My son is 6 and has lost 6 of his front teeth.

Hey has one on the bottom that has full come in and the second one on the bottom is starting to come in buy it has what looks like another tooth or something attached to the back of it is this normal.

My son had his milk teeth removed from the age of two. He is now 12,5yrs and all the other permanant teeth have grown except one canine. We can see the too swollen on top of the gums, the orthodontist created a space for it to grow, but its not coming out.

The orthodontist is now suggesting surgery but Im not comfortable with it. Can we wait longer for it to come out naturally? What are the effects of waiting for too long? Can it be still in the born?

My daughter is 10 and is missing 4 adult teeth, the two incisors next to top front teeth and 2 lower back molars, one each side. In addition, the adult canine tooth on top left side is underdeveloped and far back so her dentist is talking about doing 2 bridges, one either side attaching to both front teeth.

When it does come out though she will have a massive gap on her top left side. Would a partial plate be better? Or perhaps dental implants? Can implants be performed on children? Thanks for any advice.

The last time I got my baby tooth removed is in Grade 6 which is 2 years ago. How come those four are still not replaced by the permanent ones? Continuation My sister completed her teeth when she was My daughter 17 had a baby tooth pulled about 3 months ago.

Dentist claimed it was blocking the permanent one from coming out. Now, my daughter telling me she feels another teeth wanting to come out right next to where they did the extraction.

My son is 8 he has 2 bottom and 1 top adult tooth in front and still has a baby tooth at top which is very small, he has had an X-ray which has showe he has an extra tooth floating in gum stopping adult teeth coming through therefore stopping baby tooth to come out, we been on waiting list for orthodontist since February, what will they do?

Hi, my name is Travis. I need to know of some procedures that I can get some more teeth or a bridge type thing. Money is not a issue just need to know. Please help in any way you can.

Help me pls i am 16 years old and my 1 teeth didnt come till 2 years and today my 1 teeth broken it was coming out from 1yr pls help me i think that this will also not come so pls tell me anything that i will be able to growup my new teeth plss.

My son is 12 yrs old, he has broken his front of his teeth half cross shape, if I remove the whole teeth then wether the next teeth comes or not. What to do if your child is missing his or her adult teeth by Southeast Family Dental Blog, Video 92 comments.

What to do if your child is missing his or her adult teeth Transcript Hi! Jessica Booth on January 12, at 3: Hello, I have a friend who never got any permanent teeth.

Southeast Family Dental on February 8, at 4: Kim on June 28, at 2: Hello, My 15 year old son still has one baby tooth, and is getting his braces off today. Southeast Family Dental on August 19, at 2: Lee on August 8, at 3: Southeast Family Dental on August 19, at 1: Jacki on August 29, at 8: Southeast Family Dental on September 16, at Tammy on March 27, at Triane on June 25, at 4: Jacki on August 8, at Ahmad on September 3, at Hello, My daughter had 5 of her baby tooth removed last year by a dentist at a hospital in the Netherlands, the reason was that her teeth needed many fillings and the dentist said it would be better to remove them as she will get her permenant teeth soon rather than doing the fillings.

All the best, Ahmad. Southeast Family Dental on October 1, at 9: Angela Cole on September 24, at 6: Ngaia Richardson on October 5, at 3: Southeast Family Dental on October 7, at Kayla on October 8, at 9: Southeast Family Dental on October 21, at 9: Julie on October 25, at 2: Southeast Family Dental on November 5, at 9: Claire on October 30, at 9: Southeast Family Dental on November 5, at Liza on November 10, at 9: Southeast Family Dental on November 11, at Sandra on November 22, at 9: Kathryn on November 26, at 1: Carol on December 8, at 4: Kim on December 9, at Susan on July 8, at 6: M on December 27, at 9: Emilea on January 12, at 5: Lisa on January 15, at Joanna on January 19, at 5: Courtney on January 28, at 4: Andrew Soto on January 31, at 5: Naomi on February 3, at 8: BWright on February 5, at 9: Karel Alonajan on February 13, at 7:

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Is this image about child teeth development accurate? (baby teeth) still attached, and Article in dentist Rick Wilsond blog featuring X-Ray picture from 9. An X-ray of baby teeth shows any An X-ray of Baby Teeth: When, What and How. they're still important with respect to the path they make for permanent teeth to.

25.03.2018 - We can see the too swollen on top of the gums, the orthodontist created a space for it to grow, but its not coming out. Our son is missing mostly his bottom teeth, so if he can maintain his baby teeth although much smaller it will not be as obvious. It's not an uncommon occurrence. Ccleaner free download italiano windows vista - Wi... However, the inherent crowding is still there and usually must be resolved with some kind of treatment later on. Because our children are young, I pray they will continue to make advancements that will be in effect when our kids need the most of their work. Finally, there is not much root left.

Version 151 bluboo x ray 0f permanent and baby teeth your kicks.

29.01.2018 - They have referred us to a more senior dentist, but the appointment is a long time away. My 11 year old daughter has baby teeth marked in a diagram labeled as teeth T and K where an x-ray shows that there are no permanent teeth that have formed to take their place. I hope you found out more at his appointment! Ccleaner new version for windows 8 - Setup ccleane... I believe they are noted at 28, 29, 21 and And how much would this cost?

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21.01.2018 - Hi My son is 6 and lost his 2 top front teeth 14 months ago and there is no sign of his adult teeth. I know about prevention and all that. I feel this is a little extreme, is it necessary? Ccleaner free download latest version for windows... If you are interested, contact me at our office, via Twitter, Facebook or on this blog. Or we can have the two teeth pulled and the bottom teeth manipulated to fill in the space.

X-rays of kids’ skulls as their baby teeth get pushed out and their permanent teeth grow in. Jan 24, · Usually it's just one or two teeth that are missing. This x-ray shows I just would like to know the cause of non-development of baby and permanent chinasmartphonesonlineshopping. blogspot. com: Dr. Dean Brandon. The mouth of a child is a terrifying thing to behold. teeth; Primary teeth; baby teeth; Permanent child's erupting permanent teeth have to be situated.

It is scattered, throughout her mouth, no pattern. I truly am worried, but see there is nothing that can be done at this point. Even though the proof is on the panoramic xray, should I still seek another opinion?

There is only so much that can be done in young children. I have a daughter who will be turning 3 in 2 months. She is missing her upper lateral incisors. I have never heard of such a thing, everyone I have ever known has had all their teeth!

I can see by reading some of these comments that it's more common than I thought. Anyway, when should I get her mouth xray'd? Is there a chance that her permanent lateral incisors might be there?

And is it common for the baby ones to be missing, but the permanent one come in no problem? Just because the primary teeth are missing does not necessarily mean the permanent ones are affected too, but I have seen that too.

I can usually get an x-ray of the upper front teeth at age three or four. Are you aware of ANY programs that could help us? Not much help from me I'm afraid.

I do know Medicaid is for families with limited income. There are some State run programs for children a little above the Medicaid level. In Alabama it's called ALkids.

Otherwise, most treatment like that is over a long period of time so things sometimes can be spread out. Of course discuss all this with your doctors. Brandon, I am a physician.

My 8 year old son lost his medial incisors 4 months ago. The right permanent medial incisor came out normally, but there is no sign of the left one. When do we start to worry?

Generally--the upper central incisors come in between 7 and 8 years of age. The exact time varies. The left and right can come in at the same time but can be separated by up to 6 months.

A radiograph will help to determine if there is a problem or not--like a supernumerary tooth or something. My niece is 4 yrs old, after consulting with a specialist we found out she will only have 3 permenant teeth when she gets older!

She is scheduled to have surgery Aug. My question is, Is there any way her permenant teeth might just come in late? Please get back to me if you can? We realy don't want our baby to have to go through this surgery if it is unnecessary!

Kind of unusual to have that many permanent teeth missing. I do not know if you heard correctly, as many permanent teeth are not even formed on any x-ray at age 4 although many are including the front ones.

I have seen multiple missing permanent teeth with a syndrome called Ectodermal Dysplasia. If they have x-rays or can get them they can give an informed answer to your question. Can't give you advice, but encouragement that whatever the case, it is likely manageable.

You should feel confident in your decision or else get more information. By the way, I take kids to the OR every week or so to restore badly decayed baby teeth. She is eight years old now.

Her permanent bottom central incisors came out more than a year ago but no signs of eruption for the top ones. Could this be because the were removed too early or is it possible that she does not have any adult teeth in the said area?

An current x-ray might help. Still, the "average" time for central incisors to erupt is years of age. There is always variation. We are looking into possible options to correct this.

I am unfamiliar with national health programs affecting dentistry in other countries other than the USA. Get it looked at by your dentist. I have three children. My oldest son was missing two permanent teeth and with ortho they made space between teeth and later we have to do implants.

My yonger daughter is missing 4 teeth two of the beside the big front teeth and the rest are mollers. But we are doing ortho with her with moving the eye teeth to beside the front teeth. And my little 4 year old already missing baby teeth never developed.

It seems like the more children I have the less teeth they develop. I am an eleven year old girl and my parents don't care about my teeth. I have an under bite and I also have a back tooth missing.

My back tooth has been missing since i was four, when it got ripped out. It is full of black gunk. Is there anything i can do too help my tooth or help my under bite? I really need an answer because picture day is coming up soon!!!

Sounds like you need a full dental exam--that way all your concerns will be addresses--it takes time. Take a look at this Panoramic Radiograph. If you know what to look for, you will see several missing permanent teeth.

This is more common that you may realize. It tends to run in families too, but not always. If there is no permanent tooth there, then the baby tooth will likely remain. Premolars and lateral incisors seem to be the most common and third molars too.

Usually it's just one or two teeth that are missing. This x-ray shows Seven missing premolars! I've seen more than that on some kids. Treatment can vary and can be anything from doing nothing to orthodontic treatment to close spaces, to a bridge or implant placement at an older age.

The main thing is to know it is managable. Look over all of your options there are too many for me to break down without seeing your daughter and make sure she feels comfortable in the dental chair.

Good luck and let us know if we can help! Hello, I am a 17 year old girl and still have two baby teeth. Recently I went to the dentist, and they told me that I only have a permanent on one side.

It just started growing in in the past year, and it is at an angle. They referred me to the orthodontist who says I should get it pulled and get braces. If I get it pulled and do not get braces is there the possibility that it may never grow in and all my teeth would shift?

What kind of dentist should I go to for this? Retaining baby teeth is fairly common, depending on where your baby teeth are. And every situation is different! Some patients can keep baby teeth well into adulthood and may keep them their entire lives, while others lose them early.

The issue with not having the tooth taken out, is that it may be lost eventually anyway and the permanent tooth could then, like you said, be at such an angle that it will not come through.

This would mean your teeth could shift and with a permanent tooth in the bone, may limit your options as far as replacing the tooth. The orthodontist may be planning on placing a device that would pull the permanent tooth through the gums.

You are with the right people to answer your questions, though! Hi, My 6 yr old twins went to the dentist today. He told us that my son is missing 9 adult teeth and my daughter is missing 7 adult teeth.

My husband does have one missing tooth in this mouth. We are fairly confident that this is genetic; however, is there any chance some of these are just to far up to show on a x-ray yet?

I am truly concerned. While they have not completed formation, most permanent teeth begin calcifying and would show up on x-rays between 3 months and 2. It is possible, though unlikely, that all of the teeth your son and daughter are missing would have not started forming at their age.

Unfortunately, there is not a lot you can do other than plan for dental work in the future. I am 55 and still have one baby tooth. I grew up missing 6 permanent molars.

I had no wisdom teeth either. Over the years I have had three bridges put in. One bridge has been replaced, and another needs to be replaced. If I could do it all over again, I would have had my missing teeth replaced with a peg tooth not sure what the correct name for it is.

This is an inherited trait from my dad. My daughter has missing teeth and so does my grandson. The cost for bridges was a lot even with insurance. The peg teeth were not covered by my insurance.

Replacing the bridges is costly. I was considering getting dentures now. Hi, My son is one and just started getting his primary teeth. I noticed today that it appears his canines are coming thru in the lateral insicor posotion and there are no spaces nor signs of the insicors coming in.

I work in the dental field but we only see adults and we have treated patients that are congenitally missing their insicors.. Thanks for any info u can provide me with. I would just keep an eye on the eruption.

Some primary teeth are a lot more pointy than their permanent counterpart. How long is too long? And is there a possibility that they may never grow back? What are some of the intervention procedures if any?

Sometimes the adult teeth can take awhile to come in even if they lost the baby teeth on their own. If the gum is swollen, it probably means they are on their way in. They are probably just taking their time!

Hi, my 15 year old is missing all 8 of his premolars! He inherited this from me, I still have 1, but not 8. He was playing basketball and one of them is now very loose. Was wondering, what do you think would be an adequate treatment?

Thank you and greatly appreciate your response. Hi My son is 6 and lost his 2 top front teeth 14 months ago and there is no sign of his adult teeth. He lost 4 bottom ones around tithe same time and his adult teeth have grown fine.

My 11 year old daughter has baby teeth marked in a diagram labeled as teeth T and K where an x-ray shows that there are no permanent teeth that have formed to take their place. She is seeing an orthodontist and is ready to have braces put on for a slight overbite.

The orthodontist said we have two choices. We can choose to try to keep the baby teeth which have small but healthy looking roots for as long as possible. Or we can have the two teeth pulled and the bottom teeth manipulated to fill in the space.

This would mean artifical implants later in life timeline unknown. The orthodontist said this may mean the shape of her lower jaw would change a bit and might change her appearance.

I do not feel that we, as her parents, are educated enough about this to make this decision. Is there any way that you could give us the recommendation that you would make in this situation?

Hi, My 11 year old daughter is missing 6 permanent teeth. She us in braces now to open up space in front for implants of the 2 lateral incisors. Orthodontists all suggest pulling her 4 baby premolars and close those gaps now, but I wonder if I should just leave them there for as long as they will last.

What would you suggest? I would have closed all her gaps to eliminate the need to wear a flipper with fake teeth on it but because 4 teeth are missing on the top we thought it best to go this route.

My 13 year old son is also missing his top lateral incisors and because he refused to wear a flipper with fake teeth for the next 6 years we decided to just close the space and shape canines to look like incisors as best we can.

Easier to do since he was only missing 2 teeth. Now my 16 month old only has 1 upper lateral incisor on top. So my question is ….. I appreciate any advice. My 5 year old had his two front teeth removed at 10 mths.

The adult teeth have not appeared. He lost a baby tooth last night. I am worried about his front teeth. When should I expect them, approximately? I have a little girl who just turned 6 and all of her bottom teeth are gone and have been since she was 5 there is no sign of her permanent teeth growing back.

What could this b. And she has started loosing some of her top teeth but know sign of them growing back. Have you had a dentist x-Ray her mouth? They will tell you if permanent teeth are present.

There are conditions where children prematurely lose all baby teeth — so it might take awhile for permanent teeth to come in. Or, it may be she does not have permanent teeth.

If so, that can only be learned through a dental X-ray. She is missing 5 permanent teeth. Two permanent molars on top as well as a top front tooth, and, two permanent molars on the bottom.

The ortho recommended having the four molar baby teeth pulled as the root system on all four was deteriorating. Her dentist made sure, through x-rays, that this might be an appropriate procedure and proceeded with the extractions.

The front permanent tooth never formed and the ortho said once the teeth are positioned he will create a falsy retainer for the front until she is old enough for a surgical implant. She is eating alright, but, has definite and apparent problems eating.

The staff at her ortho is ocassionally rude and not really very gentle. She is a special case and if my husband and myself should decide to take her somewhere else for proper care what should we look for?

We live in Farmington, NM and our resources are limited. I have called our dentist for his advice and am waiting for his response. Just curious how you would handle a situation like this.

My baby tooth has a cavity and it hurts. I was suppose to get it filled but my dentist said she didnt want to because it might make it looser. What should I do?

Hi, I am 13 years old and have lost nearly all my baby teeth and all of them have come through perfectly apart from one of my canines. I had lost my other canine and it took ages to grow through but I could feel it, it took about a year to come through fully.

Although it had a large bump on top of hole where it is supposed to grow which happened with my last tooth. Do you think it was too early to come through as most of baby teeth did come out later than the usual age?

I just found out yesterday that my 7 yr. I was wondering what underlying condition may cause this. Hi, I am 23 years old and still have one baby tooth left. I was told my whole life that that tooth did not have any adult roots above it so that when it does fall out I will have to get a fake one put in.

I take excellent care of my teeth and have never had any problems with the tooth, but recently while eating some banana chips I developed a hole in the baby tooth. Along with the small hole I now feel like the tooth is loose.

I have a dentist appt scheduled in a few weeks earliest they could get me in but I was just wondering if you have any advise for me as to what they will do or how much it may cost.

I am 21 and the teeth on either side of my front two teeth are still my baby teeth. My dentist is unsure whether I have adult teeth and has suggested that I get them taken out and get a bridge.

One of the baby teeth feels loose so will have to come out soon. But if i get a bridge this will mean constant replacement every two years which may cost quite a bit. I have been very conscious of my teeth especially as I have a gap also.

I am unsure of what to do are there any more permanent solutions. My daughter is 7 and is missing the same permanent teeth you are. These are fake teeth permanently implanted into the bone in your mouth.

You are 21 and ready to do this. Do not visit your current dentist ever again. Understanding if you have permanent teeth or not is a very simple X-ray. I am missing both of my canines on the top of my mouth and all of my wisdm teeth.

Should I be worried?. Do it have a chance to grow back? I have an 8 year old son who has two loose baby teeth next to his two top, front, adult teeth. They have been loose for 8 months plus. He is naturally missing two adult teeth next to his two top front teeth.

His one loose tooth is now slanted facing outward and he has been complaining about being nauseous over a week now. He is seeing a dentist in a few days. They suggested when his adult canine teeth come in to bring them together with his two front teeth, using braces..

My son lost his baby upper teeth, the ones each side of his middle 2 teeth many months ago. There is no sign of any new teeth but there is not much space as there is a big gap between his 2 front teeth.

I thought this could be the reason but the dentist says she cannot feel any teeth in his gum but thinks she can feel them in his jaw? She has referred him to an orthodontist and said they would answer any questions.

We have a 3 month wait and I was wondering if dentists can always feel the tooth in the gum or if they can sometimes be missed? Hi, I am Nick, I am 13 and have lost all of my teeth, or so i think.

I lost my second to last molar on the top about a month and half ago. There is a piece of tooth about half the size of a popcorn kernel and it has not grown any since i lost the tooth.

Is it left over fragment or is it a new tooth. Also, I am losing the same tooth on the other side of my mouth. I have been taking extremely good care of it, but it is still loose.

I really hate to remove all three teeth if not absolutely necessary. Your thoughts are very appreciated. Is it possible the permanent tooth was damaged in the extraction process?

Does that ever happen? Some don't form at all. One way to treat a missing tooth it basically is not from what you say, is as you say. Another way is to close the space with braces.

Your orthodontist will advise on the best for you. My son is 6 and has lost 7 teeth with no sign of a permanent coming in. Its been about 7 months since the first one came out. When should I be concerned about this?

Oh, he was a 26 week preemie, i have been told this affects teeth sometimes? Have you heard this? He was on o2 for 4 months and intubated for 6 weeks? It can be a while till some teeth come in after they naturally fall out.

An x-ray might be recommended by your dentist if you are concerned. I would have your dentist take a look to give an informed opinion and to rule out other conditions as well. Today, the dentist removed my 6 yr old's two bottom and its apparent that there is not enough room for permanent teeth to make there way to the front.

She did not want to remove the other two teeth for fear of too much space. I was told to wait to see how they turn out. What's the likely hood of the other teeth shifting and making room for the newcomers?

I wonder why they didn't mention "disking" as an option. Should we start saving for the orthodontic fund? Well, removing baby teeth or disking--and sometimes disking is not needed makes more room in the front for the erupting teeth.

However, the inherent crowding is still there and usually must be resolved with some kind of treatment later on. So, if crowding is the reason teeth were removed, then it is likely that braces might be needed later on.

I know this is a common problem and there are a lot of comments on this subject here, so I am temporarily discontinuing comments on this post. I hope you can find the info you need here and elsewhere on the blog.

I see this every day. A child comes in with his permanent lower incisors coming in behind the baby teeth. We sometimes call it "Shark" teeth. The baby teeth have not come out like they were supposed to.

It is most common with the lower front teeth when the child is six years old and then the upper back molars when the child is around eleven years old. A common "emergency" is when a parent notices a permanent tooth coming in behind a primary baby tooth.

It's not really an emergancy, but needs to be addressed. In the normal course of events, the permanent teeth slowly dissolves the baby tooth root as it comes in up under the baby tooth.

Finally, there is not much root left. The baby tooth gets loose and eventually falls out. The permanent tooth then comes in where the baby tooth used to be.

Well, it doesn't always happen just like that. If the child doesn't have enough room for the permanent teeth, then the permanent tooth may not come in right up under the baby tooth.

Even when there is lots of room, the new tooth may not be able to resorb the baby tooth root fast enough. It then takes the path of least resistance, which is to come in behind the baby tooth.

That means there is nothing "pushing" the baby tooth and there may be quite a lot of baby tooth root left. The good news is that the permanent tooth will tend to move forward into the correct position on it's own IF there is nothing in the way and there is enough room.

That usually means the dentist will need to remove the retained baby tooth and make more room by removing the adjacent baby teeth or making the baby teeth more slender by "disking" them.

If the new tooth hasn't come in very much you haven't waited too long, then the new tooth will slowly move forward. This takes a few weeks or months to move forward into a better position.

They may even straighten out a little if they were coming in crooked. Often teeth come in pairs, so if one tooth is not coming in correctly its partner on the other side won't either. A lot of parents hold out hope the baby tooth will fall out on it's own.

Some children are very aggressive in wiggling their teeth. Some just let them hanging there. Remember however, that there may be more root on that baby tooth than you think, otherwise it would have come out by now.


No sir...


Dental X-rays are pictures of the teeth, of permanent teeth growing in the jaw rays until after the baby is born. Delaying the X-ray for a few months will.