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buy huawei p8q77 m 79 grenade launcher vietnam era

buy huawei p8q77 m 79 grenade launcher vietnam era

buy huawei p8q77 m 79 grenade launcher vietnam era

buy huawei p8q77 m 79 grenade launcher vietnam era

buy huawei p8q77 m 79 grenade launcher vietnam era

buy huawei p8q77 m 79 grenade launcher vietnam era

So while it has some of the qualities of an old-world gun the wood stock, for example the internal parts and the metal fittings definitely feel like stamped and mass-produced parts. These systems have flatter trajectories and electronic detonators that are keyed off of a laser ranging system.

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October 18, at This Singaporean grenade launcher may be used as a standalone weapon, or as an under-barrel weapon. The trigger is extremely heavy and none too well machined. China smartphones online shopping Your email address will not be published. It also tended to draw fire, for some strange reason.

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He also stated that the buckshot rounds were pretty much useless. The M Infrared Illumination round works much like the M, but it emits infrared light.

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The M79 is a fun gun, extremely accurate, and a definite conversation starter. I had no idea it was still in service. It fires a unique 40x47 mm low-velocity grenade. The force of the gasses from the blank round would send the grenade flying, much further than any soldier could lob it. The M is another HE round, with basically the same explosives, weight, and ballistic performance as the M, but also having a much more effective arming mechanism that activates in mid-air at ranges of between 14 m and 27 m. The candle burns for up to 40 seconds, with an intensity of 20 candlepower.

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23.03.2018 - CS is an extremely powerful irritant against eyes and lungs, but is normally not dangerous. The remaining 8 shots were all on the money and created some nice secondaries from the mortar rounds Sammy had stashed in the pits with the tubes. While so many other new US weapons proved wanting during this conflict the M16 and M60 in particularthe M79 proved extremely reliable, lethal, and effective. Get some c4 too for the big bang. It is a direct-fire-only round that must be aimed on a flat trajectory.

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17.03.2018 - I really like having both weapons when la merde strikes la ventilator. And God forbid you forgot to change from a live round to a blank cartridge, your day would get pretty shitty in a hurry. This is under half the price of the m79 and does not have the mandatory several month nfa wait. The weapon may be fired from any position in which a rifle or shotgun would be fired.

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06.03.2018 - The M is an Illumination round, which is visible for a distance of nearly 5 km, and from an altitude of nearly 1 km. Open Search form Toggle navigation. One shot and they were gone. The M79 was manufactured from towith over produced; this also does not include production of the M79 abroad, where it continued to be manufactured much longer. A Belgian "standalone" grenade launcher developed from the grenade launcher used in the F assault rifle. It creates a bright yellow cloud of smoke on impact.

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26.02.2018 - There are countless different types of 40 mm grenades that can be launched from the M This allows you to range off of a wall and then shoot a grenade right over the top of it or through a window and have the grande detonate just after passing the wall. Containing twenty 24g metal pellets[12] ME1 or twenty-seven 24g metal pellets ME2this round could be devastating at close ranges. Want someone out of a building for sure?

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Not including a sling, the M79 consists of 4 subassemblies; the barrel, foregrip, receiver, and buttstock. To fire the M79, the operator must first safe the weapon, then press the barrel-locking latch all the way to the right side; this will "break" the weapon, allowing it to open, so that the chamber may be accessed.

Opening the barrel automatically cocks the weapon. If there is a spent casing or an unfired round; perhaps a dud in the chamber, the user must physically pull it out with their hand, as the M79 does not have an automatic extraction mechanism.

After loading a new cartridge as far in as it will go, the barrel must be returned to its firing position, which not only completes the chambering process, but also locks the barrel into place.

The weapon in this state is now loaded and ready to fire, and when the operator is ready to do so, the fire selector must reset the fire selector from "safe" to "fire".

The weapon may be fired from any position in which a rifle or shotgun would be fired. From kneeling or prone positions, it may also be fired at high elevations with the buttplate set on the ground, much like a mortar.

However, the operator must also be mindful when firing on flat trajectories of the fact that the grenades drop extremely fast on a flat trajectory compared to a regular bullet; aiming on a flat trajectory against a target which is relatively low and close could drop a grenade short into the ground far enough that it will detonate, but close enough that the operator is probably inside the casualty radius!

It is also possible to fire the M79 one-handed like a pistol in fact, their stocks have sometimes been sawed-off to make them faster to draw, thanks to their light weight and relatively soft recoil.

However, this also makes the weapon more difficult to aim. All 40x46 mm grenades have fuses that activate at or past 30 m, as a safety precaution; as such, a grenadier armed with an M79 and fighting closer targets will either have to use a buckshot or canister round, directly hit an enemy soldier with a grenade, or switch to a different weapon.

When fired, the M79 has a distinct muzzle report similar in sound to a cork being pulled out of a bottle; for this reason, it became widely-known the nicknamed of "Blooper" and "Thumper". The sights consist of a front blade and a rear leaf, when the ladder sight is lowered.

The ladder sight is required for accurate medium or long range shooting, and when raised, it effectively becomes the weapon's rear sight. The sight ladder is effective for ranges from 75 m to m, in 25 m increments.

However, experienced users often don't bother to use the ladder sight, as the time required to raise it and take aim "by the book" often isn't available in the heat of a fire fight. There are countless different types of 40 mm grenades that can be launched from the M Below is a partial listing.

It has a maximum range of m, arms at a range of 8 m, has a lethal radius of 5 m, and a casualty radius of m. Early Ms sometimes armed much sooner in flight than designed, leading to serious casualties by the user and their comrades during accidental discharges, or if the grenade struck vegetation in flight.

Its size, weight, shape, balance, and ballistics are identical to the M, but it contains only a tiny pellet of RDX explosive, and 4. It creates a bright yellow cloud of smoke on impact.

Though the charge is very weak, it is rated as having a danger radius of 20 m, for range safety reasons. The M is another HE round, with basically the same explosives, weight, and ballistic performance as the M, but also having a much more effective arming mechanism that activates in mid-air at ranges of between 14 m and 27 m.

The M HEDP High Explosvie Dual Purpose round is a shaped charge munition with an armor penetration capability, and added fragmentation effects, allowing it to be used more effectively against vehicles and structures.

It arms mid-air at ranges of between 14 m and 27 m, and has an effective range of m. The M has a 0. The penetrator formed by the shaped charge will penetrate 50 mm of steel plate, mm of pine, mm of concrete, or mm of sandbags.

It will also readily blast a loophole large enough for a rifle through the walls of most structures. It is a direct-fire-only round that must be aimed on a flat trajectory.

The effect is the same as a very large buckshot shell, so this round is best used in closed terrain and confined areas. Field manuals advise that the M must be aimed at the foot of the target; likely because the M79's sights don't work like those on a genuine shotgun.

The M is an Illumination round, which is visible for a distance of nearly 5 km, and from an altitude of nearly 1 km. It consists of a 0. At the top of the projectile's arc, a parachute opens and slows its descent, as the candle ignites and burns brightly with a red hue.

The candle burns for up to 40 seconds, with an intensity of 20 candlepower. The M Infrared Illumination round works much like the M, but it emits infrared light. It functions the same as the M, but appears very dim to the naked eye, like an ember or a lit cigarette; but through night vision optics with infrared imaging capabilities, the area below appears to light-up almost as bright as day.

Needless to say, this is an extremely valuable capability when used against foes with little or no night vision capability. The M is a less-lethal crowd control round that disperses tear gas. Upon impact, the projectile emits a billowing cloud of CS gas for up to 25 seconds, and is able to saturate an area of square meters.

CS is an extremely powerful irritant against eyes and lungs, but is normally not dangerous. The M is also a less-lethal round, which fires a foam rubber projectile.

The impact force is heavy enough to stun or repel an offender, but usually not enough to cause serious injury or death. It is effective at up to 50 m; however, training manuals forbid the operator from firing this round at persons within 10 m, because even with such a soft projectile, fatal injuries are possible at this range.

The M is another less-lethal round, loaded with 48 hard rubber. It can be used against single offenders like the M, but it is also effective against crowds. It is most effective at 15 m to 30 m, but has a maximum range of m.

Though as with the M, training manuals forbid the operator from firing the M at people within 10 m, or the projectiles could well mimic more of the effects of buckshot than just their dispersion.

The first combat use of the M79 was during the Vietnam War. While so many other new US weapons proved wanting during this conflict the M16 and M60 in particular, the M79 proved extremely reliable, lethal, and effective.

Some reasons for weight gain were improvements. A heavier barrel and sturdier forearm. Switches, buttons, wires, batteries and all the hoopla that go with them would do nothing but increase weight and decrease reliability.

If I was somehow forced to carry an M4 or other varient on the Stoner system all I would put on it extra would be an opticical sight. Both active duty and in the guard I requested the M, even when I was a tank crewman, for the extra firepower and the versatility that some of the specialty grenades gave me.

Want someone out of a building for sure? Fire a magnesium parachute flare through the window. Still one of the most delightful firearms I own. One of my favorite weapons, but I was usually happier if someone else was using and lugging it and the ammo.

It also tended to draw fire, for some strange reason. Even better than the m79 is to buy a 37mm picatinny m clone, sold as a flare gun. This is under half the price of the m79 and does not have the mandatory several month nfa wait.

Even legal in NY and CA as a flare gun. At Camp Pendelton in, we were taught to place the butt stock under our arm tucked up in armpit rather than to our shoulder.

Our targets were about yards away. I carried one of these during my first tour in Vietnam in In those days I was a scrawny 18 year old, and after intense firefights my shoulder would be black and blue from the recoil and so sore I could barely raise my arm.

Loved that weapon, and the. All of my experience was with an M They were relatively accurate also, but range estimation was critical. That thing definitely had a rainbow trajectory.

Bigger up the range and you definitely had a miss. My brother carried an M as a grunt in the 1st ID. He could hit out to about meters but needed a spotter because he was shooting beyond the sights and needed somebody to watch where the rounds were falling.

Pat knocked the very skinny NVA soldier down with the impact of the round and finished him off with a. Spare rounds were carried in Claymore mine bags. He also stated that the buckshot rounds were pretty much useless.

The shot pattern opened up so fast that you were probably not going to do any harm to the bad guy. The m79 was a stand alone weapon. That was one of the selling points of the It gave the grenadier a rifle in close work.

After his 2 tours in Vietnam, my dad distanced himself from guns to the point i was learning to drive before i got my first BB gun. He never used the ladder sight, and was placing shots where people wanted them.

As somebody who has used the M in Afghanistan, I can say it is probably the most point and shoot grenade launcher ever made. A good shot is able to reliably hit center mass on a man size target at yards and a great shot should be able to at with his first shot.

The ladder sites are pretty much useless once you have put more than 10 rounds through the thing, it is just that easy to shoot. I had no idea it was still in service.

Trained with 79s and s and have to say I preferred the I really like having both weapons when la merde strikes la ventilator. Having single shot dedicated weapon in a high volume fire situation is NOT my idea of optimum effectiveness.

That said the 79 was much more accurate even with minimal training time. Every freedomfighter must have the m79 to defend his freedom and to use it to liberate the usa from hussain obamas gestapo and dictatorship.

Comrads in arms buy one or built one and use it to liberate your country. I love the m79 a real freedomfigter tool. Get some c4 too for the big bang. Deal the fist deadly BLOW. We trained briefly with these at Quantico, and while I never fired one personally in a combat situation, I did have the chance to direct and observe their operation.

What a great little weapon it is! Almost nothing beats personal artillery! One of the highlights of my Army career was when I was allowed use my M to engage 3 Somali mortar positions — from a hovering UH!

The remaining 8 shots were all on the money and created some nice secondaries from the mortar rounds Sammy had stashed in the pits with the tubes. I LOVE that thing…. Just talking to some team members from Viet Nam about the 79, it recalled a mission we were on in Each team member carried rounds for m79, 60 machine gun, plus claymore and your own ammo.

On this mission we called in arty on 6 nva after adjusting we got a short round that landed 10 feet away the shrapnel cut the head of three 79 rounds we continued our patrol.

When we got back to base we turned in all ammo when that pouch of 79 rounds was seen we all had huge eyes and thanked our Guardian Angels for set-back fuses. This happened so often, most of the guys carried their cleaning rod which came in sections you had to screw together already screwed together and taped to the rifle, so they were ready to ram the round out when it jammed.

I said I wanted an M I went on a couple of patrols with nothing but a. They finally let me have an M I carried a buckshot round in the chamber figuring if we were in the bush and if anything popped up close, case closed which never happened.

When I needed to hit something across a rice paddy, etc. Brass came around and asked the M79 guys to give up any WP rounds, but everyone denied having any. Very effective in encouraging people to leave areas of dry vegetation e.

I was very happy with my M79 and carried the rounds and all my medical supplies in Claymore bags. One shot and they were gone. Excellent news for iPhone and Ipad fans!

Do u want to have Power Rangers in your own hand?. Hi people, great review and very interesting coments! Does anybody knows how wide are the lands or hills in the rifling of the m79?

Can anybody measure them? Your email address will not be published. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Open Search form Toggle navigation. M79 Grenade Launcher by Foghorn Oct 18, 73 comments.

October 18, at September 30, at Tom in Oregon says: August 17, at October 29, at October 21, at December 31, at November 12, at May 28, at May 29, at February 28, at November 10, at November 11, at March 4, at June 2, at June 28, at

Free buy huawei p8q77 m 79 grenade launcher vietnam era

You can buy a Spike’s Tactical 37mm launcher with stock for $, My brother carried an M as a grunt in the 1st ID. Gun Review: M79 Grenade Launcher.

18.03.2018 - Its less about accuracy and more about the grenade fuse mechanism. He also stated that the buckshot rounds were pretty much useless. Ccleaner free download ita ultima versione - Your... February 28, at It creates a bright yellow cloud of smoke on impact.

Free bit buy huawei p8q77 m 79 grenade launcher vietnam era.

10.02.2018 - It also gave US and South Vietnamese ARVN soldiers overmatching firepower against an enemy who relied on commando mortars, rifle grenades, recoilless riles, and rocket launchers for their organic fire support assets, all of which proved cumbersome at best in the dense jungles and forests of Vietnam. It was not only the first weapon of this type, but by all accounts, it was one of the greatest ever fielded. Ccleaner free download greek windows 7 - Ugly jaso... As somebody who has used the M in Afghanistan, I can say it is probably the most point and shoot grenade launcher ever made. This is under half the price of the m79 and does not have the mandatory several month nfa wait. The Army asked Springfield Armory to devise such a weapon inwho initially presented the T grenade launcher not to be confused with the XM, a later weapon of a very different design.

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20.03.2018 - The firearm was designed between anda time of transition between the more refined wood-and-metal designs of the pre-WWII firearms to a post-WWII focus on fast production and simple designs. Containing twenty 24g metal pellets[12] ME1 or twenty-seven 24g metal pellets ME2this round could be devastating at close ranges. Ccleaner free download for windows xp sp3 - Ichat... This large Russian 50 mm single-shot weapon was designed primarily for crowd control, but lethal 50 mm ammunition was developed for it as well. Even after the introduction of repeating grenade launchers such as the MGL, the M79 seems to have a habit of finding its way into firefights across the world.

A low-velocity casing 46 mm in length was developed for man-portable launchers, while a 52 mm long casing was developed for launching grenades from mounted weapons. Now they had the 40x46 mm low-velocity grenade, the US Army needed a weapon to launch it.

The Army asked Springfield Armory to devise such a weapon in, who initially presented the T grenade launcher not to be confused with the XM, a later weapon of a very different design. The T employed a "harmonica" style magazine with a three-round capacity, but proved problematic in testing, leading to its rejection.

Springfield then presented the S-3, which was derived from the T itself, but employed a break-action loading system, not unlike that used in many shotguns.

The S-3 proved effective, and was further refined into the S-5, which finally impressed the Army. After the addition of a new sighting system, the Army acquired several S-5s in the late s for testing and evaluation, and type-classified it as the "XM79".

Satisfied with the performance of the weapon, it was formally adopted by the Army on December 15th as the M79, and large-scale deliveries began in the following year.

The M79 in appearance resembles a sawed-off shotgun, thanks to its break-action operation, inverted rifle-style buttstock and foregrip, and wooden furniture. Not including a sling, the M79 consists of 4 subassemblies; the barrel, foregrip, receiver, and buttstock.

To fire the M79, the operator must first safe the weapon, then press the barrel-locking latch all the way to the right side; this will "break" the weapon, allowing it to open, so that the chamber may be accessed.

Opening the barrel automatically cocks the weapon. If there is a spent casing or an unfired round; perhaps a dud in the chamber, the user must physically pull it out with their hand, as the M79 does not have an automatic extraction mechanism.

After loading a new cartridge as far in as it will go, the barrel must be returned to its firing position, which not only completes the chambering process, but also locks the barrel into place.

The weapon in this state is now loaded and ready to fire, and when the operator is ready to do so, the fire selector must reset the fire selector from "safe" to "fire". The weapon may be fired from any position in which a rifle or shotgun would be fired.

From kneeling or prone positions, it may also be fired at high elevations with the buttplate set on the ground, much like a mortar. However, the operator must also be mindful when firing on flat trajectories of the fact that the grenades drop extremely fast on a flat trajectory compared to a regular bullet; aiming on a flat trajectory against a target which is relatively low and close could drop a grenade short into the ground far enough that it will detonate, but close enough that the operator is probably inside the casualty radius!

It is also possible to fire the M79 one-handed like a pistol in fact, their stocks have sometimes been sawed-off to make them faster to draw, thanks to their light weight and relatively soft recoil.

However, this also makes the weapon more difficult to aim. All 40x46 mm grenades have fuses that activate at or past 30 m, as a safety precaution; as such, a grenadier armed with an M79 and fighting closer targets will either have to use a buckshot or canister round, directly hit an enemy soldier with a grenade, or switch to a different weapon.

When fired, the M79 has a distinct muzzle report similar in sound to a cork being pulled out of a bottle; for this reason, it became widely-known the nicknamed of "Blooper" and "Thumper". The sights consist of a front blade and a rear leaf, when the ladder sight is lowered.

The ladder sight is required for accurate medium or long range shooting, and when raised, it effectively becomes the weapon's rear sight. The sight ladder is effective for ranges from 75 m to m, in 25 m increments.

However, experienced users often don't bother to use the ladder sight, as the time required to raise it and take aim "by the book" often isn't available in the heat of a fire fight. There are countless different types of 40 mm grenades that can be launched from the M Below is a partial listing.

It has a maximum range of m, arms at a range of 8 m, has a lethal radius of 5 m, and a casualty radius of m. Early Ms sometimes armed much sooner in flight than designed, leading to serious casualties by the user and their comrades during accidental discharges, or if the grenade struck vegetation in flight.

Its size, weight, shape, balance, and ballistics are identical to the M, but it contains only a tiny pellet of RDX explosive, and 4. It creates a bright yellow cloud of smoke on impact. Though the charge is very weak, it is rated as having a danger radius of 20 m, for range safety reasons.

The M is another HE round, with basically the same explosives, weight, and ballistic performance as the M, but also having a much more effective arming mechanism that activates in mid-air at ranges of between 14 m and 27 m.

The M HEDP High Explosvie Dual Purpose round is a shaped charge munition with an armor penetration capability, and added fragmentation effects, allowing it to be used more effectively against vehicles and structures.

It arms mid-air at ranges of between 14 m and 27 m, and has an effective range of m. The M has a 0. The penetrator formed by the shaped charge will penetrate 50 mm of steel plate, mm of pine, mm of concrete, or mm of sandbags.

It will also readily blast a loophole large enough for a rifle through the walls of most structures. It is a direct-fire-only round that must be aimed on a flat trajectory. The effect is the same as a very large buckshot shell, so this round is best used in closed terrain and confined areas.

Field manuals advise that the M must be aimed at the foot of the target; likely because the M79's sights don't work like those on a genuine shotgun. The M is an Illumination round, which is visible for a distance of nearly 5 km, and from an altitude of nearly 1 km.

It consists of a 0. At the top of the projectile's arc, a parachute opens and slows its descent, as the candle ignites and burns brightly with a red hue.

The candle burns for up to 40 seconds, with an intensity of 20 candlepower. The M Infrared Illumination round works much like the M, but it emits infrared light. It functions the same as the M, but appears very dim to the naked eye, like an ember or a lit cigarette; but through night vision optics with infrared imaging capabilities, the area below appears to light-up almost as bright as day.

Needless to say, this is an extremely valuable capability when used against foes with little or no night vision capability. The M is a less-lethal crowd control round that disperses tear gas.

Upon impact, the projectile emits a billowing cloud of CS gas for up to 25 seconds, and is able to saturate an area of square meters. CS is an extremely powerful irritant against eyes and lungs, but is normally not dangerous.

The reason for the low pressure lifting charge is that the Army wanted soldiers to be able to fire the grenade comfortably, while still getting a good 75 meters per second out of the projectile.

Thanks to the system, a plastic cup can be used for the practice rounds instead of a standard brass or metal cartridge the live rounds use metal for reliability reasons.

Due to those low velocity rounds, the gun needs to be canted at a much more exaggerated angle in order for the rounds to hit their target. The sights can either be raised or folded down by pressing a plunger on the right side of the mechanism.

When folded, a simple notch in the rear of the sight assembly acts as the rear sight and gives the shooter a reference point for aiming. When raised, the sights work like any other ladder sights, just more massive.

Not only is there more vertical travel, but the sights are wider with more room in the middle due to their forward position. The sights are clamped onto the barrel, and so can be replaced if necessary.

The grenade uses a brass ring around its circumference to grip this rifling and spin it, giving the grenade launcher an amazing level of accuracy. Speaking of that level of accuracy, we had a little contest to see which among us on the range that day was the best shot.

With a grenade launcher. From 50 yards away. The trigger is extremely heavy and none too well machined. And the impulse from the recoil, while better than a rifle grenade, is still extremely stout.

In almost every other way, the gun operates much like a cheap break-action firearm. The best part about the M79 is that you, as a private citizen, can not only buy one for a reasonable price but you can build your own.

The M79 is a fun gun, extremely accurate, and a definite conversation starter. Needless to say, I want one. Ratings Out of Five Stars: Also, reloading the thing is a pain in the butt.

Sounds like my ideal girlfriend, actually. As the grenade launcher is not primarily a shotgun, it falls into this category. Black powder guns do not, though. Each explosive grenade counts as a separate destructive device, but I believe inert rounds like chalk filled rounds that still fire, but do not explode do not.

A bit of a correction. As for the rounds being DDs, that only applies if the round is an explosive itself. Other rounds chalk, beanbag, shot shell, gas, smoke, beehive are not DDs in and of themselves.

Is this the same with the M79? Negative, If you manufacture an NFA item it still falls under the NFA and has to be registered and serialized, This only applies to non NFA items, So if you build your own shotgun it would still need to abide by the length requirements.

About, this was replaced by the M buckshot round. Containing twenty 24g metal pellets[12] ME1 or twenty-seven 24g metal pellets ME2 , this round could be devastating at close ranges. However, as range increased, the shot spread out so rapidly as to be ineffective.

The ME2, despite the greater number of shot, was less effective at range than the ME1, because its shot spread out much more quickly and could completely miss the target.

Can I distill down your Karmatic essence? Seriously, one drop is probably good enough for me to win the lottery — or at least find a Franklin on the road. Please tell me you have some painful bone disorder cuz your job makes us all more than jealous.

All the 40mm grenade launchers I fired in the service were very accurate, if the shooter did his part. The only thing I hated about the M79 was the safety button functioning and position.

Highly entertaining for onlookers, but rather embarrassing for the shooter s. Grabbing and firing the weapon quickly could and often did result in the shooter becoming an open-air temporary blood donor and pulling a little wad of flesh off the safety as they passed it to the next shooter.

Safety, no different from Savage double 20Ga, Resets on break, not a bad idea really. Trained myself to click off as I would swing to fire. Hate to launch an m79 in the Fox hole.

REALLY fun to shoot — easy to drop a practice round into a 55 gal drum at yards, within the first 10 shots at basic training. I knew Vietnam vets in at Ft. Hood 1st Cav who could put one through a bunker slit at yards.

Kind of like having your own personal 81mm mortar, except a whole light easier to carry. Its the other way around. To delivery a round on top of an entrenched enemy position, you need high angle of trajectory.

To do this you need a low velocity round. A flat trajectory would severely limit its usefulness. This is in direct contrast of newer grenade launcher rounds that are being developed for urban conflicts.

These systems have flatter trajectories and electronic detonators that are keyed off of a laser ranging system. This allows you to range off of a wall and then shoot a grenade right over the top of it or through a window and have the grande detonate just after passing the wall.

Without the advent of the electronic detonator and laser range finder you need a system like the M79 to lob over the wall. Its less about accuracy and more about the grenade fuse mechanism.

It think its like 40 meters or so outside the effective range of the blast. I recall 25 meters, but as I noted too many years gone by to be sure. In thick cover a simple contact fuse could just as easily kill the operator as the target.

If I recall correctly the old RPGs had a 2 way fuse on them. A practised individual could air burst those RPGs with a real bad effect on the recepient. Maybe the passing of time has me confused.

The system itself has been ubiquitous in Eastern-bloc and 3rd-world countries for a very long while, but like every other weapon system, parts of it do get upgraded over time.

The Wiki page for the RPG7 shows several different kinds of grenades, some of which were introduced after I left service, I believe, so I am unfamiliar with their specs and fuzing. Naw, tomorrow is the m mounted m61 vulcan 20 mike mike.

I think that Nick would be like a kid in a candy store if he could get to fire an XM25 soon to loose its x designation and go into production. Well they support our right to own guns for hunting, but clearly something must be done about all this grenade launcher crime.

I wish they had kept these and never gone to the M They never let us use the things, so all it did was make your rifle heavy. And since we knew we would never use them, we had barely enough range time to remember the controls yes, they are simple controls, so it only took about one range every two years.

Give each man in an infantry platoon two of these, and your react to ambush could be devastating. Yeah, we had the old m I had no contact with the s, and am glad for it. Some reasons for weight gain were improvements.

A heavier barrel and sturdier forearm. Switches, buttons, wires, batteries and all the hoopla that go with them would do nothing but increase weight and decrease reliability.

If I was somehow forced to carry an M4 or other varient on the Stoner system all I would put on it extra would be an opticical sight. Both active duty and in the guard I requested the M, even when I was a tank crewman, for the extra firepower and the versatility that some of the specialty grenades gave me.

Want someone out of a building for sure? Fire a magnesium parachute flare through the window. Still one of the most delightful firearms I own. One of my favorite weapons, but I was usually happier if someone else was using and lugging it and the ammo.

It also tended to draw fire, for some strange reason. Even better than the m79 is to buy a 37mm picatinny m clone, sold as a flare gun. This is under half the price of the m79 and does not have the mandatory several month nfa wait.

Even legal in NY and CA as a flare gun. At Camp Pendelton in, we were taught to place the butt stock under our arm tucked up in armpit rather than to our shoulder.

Our targets were about yards away. I carried one of these during my first tour in Vietnam in In those days I was a scrawny 18 year old, and after intense firefights my shoulder would be black and blue from the recoil and so sore I could barely raise my arm.

Loved that weapon, and the. All of my experience was with an M


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Mar 19, · Army recovers BIFF guns after brief clash in Maguindanao M grenade launcher and two 12 Here’s how you can get first dibs on the Huawei Mate.