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Additionally, design flaws and poor manufacturing qualities erupted with user experience gaining a reputation of unreliability, poor performance and increasing availability of more modern weapons in Chinese service caused the final withdrawal of this weapon from PLA use in View a machine-translated version of the Russian article. With these requirements in hand, Winchesters Edwin Pugsley chose to design the cartridge with a.

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That fighting style was taken over by the introduction of machine guns. The weapon fires from an open bolt, the bolt is equipped with a spring-loaded casing extraction system and a fixed insert inside the receiver housing which passes between the feed horns of the bolt serves as the ejector. Kalashnikovs team had access to weapons and had no need to reinvent the wheel. Please help me my Slogan for prom queen name is Brittany Jenkins and I am running for Homecoming Queen at my high school and need a catchy slogan like asap!

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Soon socket bayonets would incorporate both ring mounts and a blade, keeping the bayonet well away from the muzzle blast of the musket barrel. In, the French infantry adopted spring-loaded locking system that prevented the bayonet from accidentally separating from the musket, henceforward, the socket bayonet became, with the musket or other firearm, the typical weapon of the French infantry.

The socket bayonet had by then adopted by most European armies. The British socket bayonet had a blade with a flat side towards the muzzle. However it had no lock to keep it fast to the muzzle and was well-documented for falling off in the heat of battle.

Gas-operated reloading — Gas-operation is a system of operation used to provide energy to operate autoloading firearms. In gas operation, a portion of high-pressure gas from the cartridge being fired is used to power a mechanism to extract the spent case, energy from the gas is harnessed through either a port in the barrel or a trap at the muzzle.

Most current gas systems employ some type of piston, the face of the piston is acted upon by combustion gas from a port in the barrel or a trap at the muzzle. Early guns such as Brownings flapper prototype, the Bang rifle and this, combined with more massive operating parts, reduced the strain on the mechanism.

To simplify and lighten the firearm, gas from nearer the chamber needed to be used and this high pressure and has sufficient force to destroy a firearm unless it is regulated somehow.

Most gas-operated firearms rely on tuning the gas port size, mass of operating parts, several other methods are employed to regulate the energy. The M1 carbine incorporates a short piston, or tappet.

This movement is restricted by a shoulder recess. Excess gas is then vented back into the bore, the M14 rifle and M60 GPMG use the White expansion and cutoff system to stop gas from entering the cylinder once the piston has traveled a short distance.

Most systems, however, vent excess gas into the atmosphere through slots, holes, a gas trap system involves trapping combustion gas as it leaves the muzzle.

This gas impinges on a surface that converts the energy to motion that, hiram Maxim patented a muzzle-cup system in described in U. Patent, though it is if this firearm was ever prototyped. John Browning used gas trapped at the muzzle to operate a flapper in the earliest prototype gas-operated firearm described in U.

S, the Danish Bang rifle used a muzzle cup blown forward by muzzle gas to operate the action through transfer bars and leverage. Other gas-trap rifles were early production US gas-trap M1 Garands, German Gewehr 41 and these systems are longer, heavier, dirtier and more complex than later gas-operated firearms.

Despite these disadvantages, they used relatively low gas and did not require a hole in the barrel. The American and German governments both had requirements that their guns operated without a hole being drilled in the barrel, both governments would first adopt weapons and later abandon the concept.

All US M1 Garand rifles were retrofitted with long-stroke gas pistons, with a long-stroke system, the piston is mechanically fixed to the bolt group and moves through the entire operating cycle.

Bolt firearms — A bolt is a mechanical part of a firearm that blocks the rear of the chamber while the propellant burns, but moves out of the way to allow another cartridge or shell to be inserted in the chamber.

In an automatic or semi-automatic firearm, the bolt cycles back, when it moves back, the extractor pulls the spent casing from the chamber. When it moves forward, it strips a cartridge from the magazine, once the case is clear of the chamber, the ejector kicks the case out of the firearm.

The extractor and firing pin are often parts of the bolt. The slide of a pistol is a form of bolt. Fedor Tokarev created the design for the SVT rifle in the early s. Tokarev gave up his previous experiments with a recoil-operated self-loading rifle, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin had a great interest in semi-automatic infantry rifles, and the Army held trials of automatic rifle designs in However, problems with the AVS quickly became apparent, and further trials were held to which both Tokarev and Simonov submitted their improved designs.

This time, Tokarevs rifle was chosen and was accepted for production under the designation SVT, ambitious production plans were made, production was anticipated to be two million rifles per year by Production began at Tula Arsenal in July, the SVT is a gas-operated rifle with a short-stroke, spring-loaded piston above the barrel and a tilting bolt.

This configuration gained wider acceptance later, Soviet small arms were usually of simple and robust construction, designed for use by poorly educated and sometimes poorly equipped soldiers.

The SVT, in contrast, had designed with weight savings in mind, including its wood stock, receiver. It is gas-operated action with a cup that was not readily accessible. It was complex by Soviet standards, and was not suited to handle corrosively-primed ammunition without frequent cleaning, the SVT was equipped with a bayonet and a round detachable magazine.

The receiver was open-top, which enabled reloading of the magazine using five round Mosin—Nagant stripper clips, fairly advanced features for the time were the adjustable gas system, muzzle brake, and telescopic sight rails milled into the receiver.

The sniper variant had an additional locking notch for a scope mount and was equipped with a 3. The initial reaction of the troops to this new rifle was negative, among the issues were that the rifle was too long and cumbersome, difficult to maintain, and the magazine had a tendency to fall out of the rifle.

Production of the SVT was terminated in April after some, examples were manufactured, subsequently, an improved design, designated the SVT, entered production.

It was a refined, lighter design incorporating a modified, folding. It involved the vast majority of the worlds countries—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing alliances, the Allies and the Axis.

It was the most widespread war in history, and directly involved more than million people from over 30 countries. Marked by mass deaths of civilians, including the Holocaust and the bombing of industrial and population centres.

These made World War II the deadliest conflict in human history, from late to early, in a series of campaigns and treaties, Germany conquered or controlled much of continental Europe, and formed the Axis alliance with Italy and Japan.

The Axis advance halted in when Japan lost the critical Battle of Midway, near Hawaii, in, the Western Allies invaded German-occupied France, while the Soviet Union regained all of its territorial losses and invaded Germany and its allies.

During and the Japanese suffered major reverses in mainland Asia in South Central China and Burma, while the Allies crippled the Japanese Navy, thus ended the war in Asia, cementing the total victory of the Allies.

World War II altered the political alignment and social structure of the world, the United Nations was established to foster international co-operation and prevent future conflicts.

Meanwhile, the influence of European great powers waned, while the decolonisation of Asia, most countries whose industries had been damaged moved towards economic recovery. Political integration, especially in Europe, emerged as an effort to end pre-war enmities, the start of the war in Europe is generally held to be 1 September, beginning with the German invasion of Poland, Britain and France declared war on Germany two days later.

The dates for the beginning of war in the Pacific include the start of the Second Sino-Japanese War on 7 July, or even the Japanese invasion of Manchuria on 19 September Others follow the British historian A.

Taylor, who held that the Sino-Japanese War and war in Europe and its colonies occurred simultaneously and this article uses the conventional dating. It was generally accepted at the time that the war ended with the armistice of 14 August, rather than the formal surrender of Japan.

In the cartridge was adapted to use smokeless powder and it was the standard British and Commonwealth military cartridge from until the s when it was replaced by the 7.

P, regulated countries are currently proof tested at Measured between the grooves, the size of the bore is. Recommended bullet diameter for standard. Unlike Cordite, Riflelite was a powder, and contained no nitroglycerine.

After tests determined that the bullet had too thin a jacket when used with cordite. This led to the introduction of the Cartridge S. The design of the Mk IV hollow-point bullet shifted bullet weight rearwards, improving stability, the remaining stocks were used for target practice.

The concern about expanding bullets was brought up at the Hague Convention by Swiss, the British and American defense was that they should not focus on specific bullet designs, like hollow-points, but instead on rounds that caused superfluous injury.

The parties in the end agreed to abstain from using expanding bullets, as a result, the Mark III and other expanding versions of the. In the early s, the U. Around, the U. Consequently, the round-nosed U.

For these reasons, the U. The M Springfield rifle, which had been introduced alongside the. Modifications to the rifle included shortening the barrel at its breech and resizing the chamber, other changes to the rifle included elimination of the troublesome rod bayonet of the earlier Springfield rifles.

The M maximum range was originally overstated, when the M cartridge was developed, the range tests had been done to only 1, yards, distances beyond that were estimated, but the estimate for extreme range was wrong by almost 40 percent.

The range discrepancy became evident during World War I, before the widespread employment of light mortars and artillery, long-range machine gun barrage or indirect fires were considered important in U.

When those weapons were replaced with US machine guns firing the M round. Firing tests performed around at Borden Brook Reservoir, Miami, patrone was inroduced in and used a Its maximum range was approximately 5, yd.

Additionally, wartime surplus totaled over 2 billion rounds of ammunition. Army regulations called for training use of the oldest ammunition first, as a result, the older.

By, it was discovered that the range of the. An emergency order was made to manufacture quantities of ammunition that matched the ballistics of the earlier M cartridge as soon as possible.

Sniper — Sniping requires the development of basic infantry skills to a high degree of skill. A snipers training incorporates a variety of subjects designed to increase value as a force multiplier.

The art of sniping requires learning and repetitively practicing these skills until mastered, a sniper must be highly trained in long range rifle marksmanship and field craft skills to ensure maximum effective engagements with minimum risk.

The verb to snipe originated in the s among soldiers in British India in reference to shooting snipe, the agent noun sniper appears by the s. According to figures released by the United States Department of Defense, the average number of rounds expended by U.

According to the United States Army, the soldier will hit a man-sized target 10 percent of the time at meters using the M16A2 rifle. Graduates of the United States Army Sniper School are expected to achieve 90 percent first-round hits at meters, different countries use different military doctrines regarding snipers in military units, settings, and tactics.

Soviet - and Russian-derived military doctrines include squad-level snipers, snipers have increasingly been demonstrated as useful by US and UK forces in the recent Iraq campaign in a fire support role to cover the movement of infantry, especially in urban areas.

Military snipers from the US, UK, and other countries that adopt their military doctrine are typically deployed in two-man sniper teams consisting of a shooter and spotter, a common practice is for a shooter and a spotter to take turns in order to avoid eye fatigue.

A sniper team would be armed with its long weapon. Sniper rifles are classified as crew-served, as the term is used in the United States military, a sniper team consists of a combination of one or more shooters with force protection elements and support personnel, such as a spotter or a flanker.

Both spotter and flanker carries additional ammunition and associated equipment, the spotter detects, observes, and assigns targets and watches for the results of the shot. Law enforcement snipers, commonly called police snipers, and military snipers differ in ways, including their areas of operation.

A police sharpshooter is part of an operation and usually takes part in relatively short missions. Police forces typically deploy such sharpshooters in hostage scenarios and this differs from a military sniper, who operates as part of a larger army, engaged in warfare.

Sometimes as part of a SWAT team, police snipers are deployed alongside negotiators and an assault team trained for close quarters combat. It is a rifle round designed to be fired from the M1 carbines inch barrel.

The propellant was much newer, though, taking advantage of chemistry advances, as a result, the. At first, Winchester was tasked with developing the cartridge but did not submit a carbine design, other firms and individual designers submitted several carbine designs, but most prototypes were either unreliable or grossly off the target weight of five pounds.

The M1 Carbine was issued to officers, machine gun, artillery and tank crews, paratroopers. The weapon was issued with a round detachable magazine. The Carbine and cartridge were not intended to serve as an infantry weapon.

The M2 Carbine was introduced late in World War II with a switch allowing optional fully automatic fire at a rather high rate. Army evaluation reported that here are practically no data bearing on the accuracy of the carbine at ranges in excess of 50 yards.

The record contains a few examples of carbine-aimed fire felling an enemy soldier at this distance or perhaps a little more, but they are so few in number that no general conclusion can be drawn from them.

Where carbine fire had proved killing effect, approximately 95 percent of the time the target was dropped at less than 50 yards, by experience, they would come to handle it semiautomatically, but it took prolonged battle hardening to bring about this adjustment in the human equation.

With these requirements in hand, Winchesters Edwin Pugsley chose to design the cartridge with a. The first cartridges were made by turning down rims on. Even in long-barreled carbines, military-style full metal jacket projectiles do not expand as easily as soft or hollow point, in addition, the high sectional density of the projectile causes the bullet to overpenetrate.

With millions of surplus M1 Carbines still owned by civilians, the continues to be used for these purposes into the present day. A number of handguns have been chambered for.

M1 carbine — The M1 carbine is a lightweight, easy to use. The M1 carbine was produced in variants and was widely used by not only the U. It has also been a civilian firearm. The M2 carbine is the version of the M1 carbine capable of firing in both semi-automatic and full-automatic.

The M3 carbine was an M2 carbine with an infrared scope system. Despite its name and similar appearance, the M1 carbine is not a version of the M1 Garand rifle. It is a different firearm and it fires a different type of ammunition.

It was simply called a carbine because it is smaller and lighter than the Garand. On July 1,, the U. Army began using the current naming system where the M is the designation for Model, therefore, the M1 rifle was the first rifle developed under this system.

The M1 carbine was the first carbine developed under this system, the M2 carbine was the second carbine developed under the system, etc. Army Ordnance received reports that the full-size M1 rifle was too heavy and cumbersome for most support troops to carry.

During prewar and early war field exercises, it was found that the M1 Garand impeded these soldiers mobility, as a rifle would frequently catch on brush, bang the helmet. Many soldiers found the rifle slid off the shoulder unless slung diagonally across the back, additionally, Germanys use of glider-borne and paratroop forces to launch surprise attacks behind the front lines, generated a request for a new compact infantry weapon to equip support troops.

This request called for a compact, lightweight defensive weapon with greater range, accuracy and firepower than handguns, while weighing half as much as the Thompson submachine gun or the M1 rifle.

Army decided that a carbine would adequately fulfill all of these requirements, Paratroopers were also added to the list of intended users and a folding-stock version would also be developed.

In, the Chief of Infantry requested that the Ordnance Department develop a rifle or carbine. This led to a competition in by major U. The rifle originated as a design by Jonathan Ed Browning, brother of the famous firearm designer John Browning.

It is also known under the designations MP43 and MP44, by all accounts, the StG44 fulfilled its role effectively, particularly on the Eastern Front, offering a greatly increased volume of fire compared to standard infantry rifles.

However, it too late to have a significant effect on the outcome of the war. Its lasting effect was its impact on modern infantry small arms development. MP43, MP44, and StG44 were different designations for what was essentially the same rifle with minor updates in production, the variety in nomenclatures resulted from the complicated bureaucracy in Nazi Germany.

Developed from the Mkb 42 machine carbine, the StG44 combined the characteristics of a carbine, submachine gun, StG is an abbreviation of Sturmgewehr. After the adoption of the StG44, the English translation assault rifle became the designation for this type of infantry small arm.

Over the course of its production, there were changes to the butt end, muzzle nut, shape of the front sight base. The rifle was chambered for the 7. The British were critical of the weapon, saying that the receiver could be bent, a late-war U.

In the late 19th century, small-arms cartridges had become able to fire accurately at long distances, jacketed bullets propelled by smokeless powder were lethal out to 2, metres.

This was beyond the range a shooter could engage a target with open sights, only units of riflemen firing in salvos could hit grouped soft targets at those ranges. That fighting style was taken over by the introduction of machine guns.

Weapons for short range were semi-automatic pistols, and later submachine guns. The gap in cartridge ranges caused research into creating an intermediate round and this type of ammunition was being considered as early as, but militaries at the time were still fixated on increasing the maximum range and velocity of bullets from their rifles.

He pointed out that firefights rarely took place beyond metres, a smaller, shorter, and less powerful round would save materials, allow soldiers to carry more ammunition, and increase firepower.

Less recoil would allow semi-automatic or even fully automatic select-fire rifles, the German Army showed no interest, as it already had the MP18 submachine gun firing 9 mm pistol rounds and did not want to create a new cartridge.

In, the German Army set out requirements for a Mauser 98 replacement and it had to be smaller and lighter than the Mauser, have similar performance out to metres, and have a magazine with a 20 or 30 round capacity.

It was among the early selective fire infantry rifles formally adopted for military service, the designer, Sergei Simonov, began his work with a gas-operated self-loading rifle in The first prototype was ready in and appeared promising, in, a competition between Simonovs design and a rifle made by Fedor Tokarev was held.

The Simonov rifle emerged as a winner and was accepted into service as the AVS, the AVS was a gas-operated rifle with a short piston stroke and vertical sliding locking block.

It was capable of automatic and semi-automatic fire. The barrel was equipped with a muzzle brake to reduce recoil. Ammunition was in a magazine holding 15 rounds. A knife bayonet was issued with the rifle, a sniper version was produced in small amounts with a PE scope.

The rifle was also particular about ammunition quality, the muzzle brake design proved to be a failure — the rifle was nearly uncontrollable in automatic fire. Some of the problems were traced to the magazine, which was deemed too long, production of the AVS was terminated in, and a new design competition was held to which Simonov and Tokarev submitted their improved designs.

In Tokarevs SVT was also adopted for service, in a politicized dispute erupted within the Soviet elite as to which design, that of Simonov or that of Tokarev, should prevail. Simonovs rifle was lighter and contained fewer parts, while Tokarevs rifle was considered sturdier, both guns had their supporters and detractors among the Politburo.

Stalin ultimately sided with Tokarev, with whom he had a personal relationship. By a decision of the Defense Committee dated 17 July, the rifle first saw service in the Battle of Khalkhin Gol, and later in the Winter War, but did not perform well.

Some of the problems were caused by maintenance, many rifles went into combat without having been cleaned of their storage grease. After a large amount of the more serviceable SVTs were captured, in the Soviet Union, the AVS was quickly marginalized and apparently withdrawn from service during, though it saw brief service during World War II.

Soviet Army — It had 2. At the end of World War II the Red Army had over rifle divisions and their experience of war gave the Soviets such faith in tank forces that the infantry force was cut by two-thirds.

The Tank Corps of the war period were converted to tank divisions. MRDs had three motorized rifle regiments and a regiment, for a total of ten motor rifle battalions and six tank battalions.

The Land Forces Chief Command was created for the first time in March, four years later it was disbanded, only to be formed again in In March the Chief Command was again disbanded but recreated in November, the personnel strength of the Ground Forces was reduced from 9.

Soviet troops, including the 39th Army, remained at Port Arthur, control was then handed over to the new Chinese communist government. Soviet Army forces on USSR territory were apportioned among military districts, there were 32 of them in In, at the east end of the Soviet Union, the Sino-Soviet border conflict, prompted establishment of a 16th military district, in, the Soviet Union entered Afghanistan, to support its Communist government, provoking a year Afghan mujahideen guerrilla resistance.

Throughout the Cold War, Western intelligence estimates calculated that the Soviet strength remained ca. About three-quarters were motor rifle divisions and the tank divisions. There were also a number of artillery divisions, separate artillery brigades, engineer formations.

However, only relatively few formations were fully war ready, three readiness categories, A, B, and V, after the first three letters of the Cyrillic alphabet, were in force.

Throughout its history, it has produced weapons for the Russian state and its name was changed from Tula Arsenal to Tula Arms Plant during the Soviet era. Historically, the plant produced a variety of arms and sports weapons for the Russian Army.

Originally, the plant was created to defend the citizens of Tula from nomads invasions, because they did not have enough weapons, so, by decree of Peter the Great, construction started on the plant.

Firstly in the production of mechanisms had started to use the most advanced technologies, in the 18th century this plant was recognized as etalon of Russian Arms Production. The flourishing of Tula Arms Plant had in the half of 18th century.

In the plant started production of the famous Berdan rifle with an improved bolt, workshop was organized by a model where created their own models of small arms and hunting weapons.

Increased production of products, single - and double-barrel muzzle-loading shotguns. In, as a result of complex tests Mosins entry was chosen over the Belgian design, in the factory was re-organized, fully mechanized mass production of hunting rifles.

In the factory started the production of Maxim machine gun, in planning and design office was established in order to improve the work of all of the plants designers, the result of which was the development of aircraft machine guns - PV-1 and ShKAS.

Between and the plant built the countrys first spinning machines, between and the plant mastered the production of milling machines, and started to massively produce three models of them.

Tula was strategically important to the Soviet Union during the Cold War, significant ore deposits were situated relatively close to it and it had access to ample transportation routes like the Upa River and many rail lines coming in and out of the city.

As a result, far fewer weapons were produced there than at other Soviet factories such as Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, consequently, Tula weapons of World War II are considered more valuable by collectors.

The post-war period - the time of work in a different kinds of sporting and hunting weapons. The modes are chosen by means of a selector which varies depending on the weapons design, some selective-fire weapons have burst fire mechanisms to limit the maximum number of shots fired automatically in this mode.

The most common limits are two or three rounds per trigger pull, fully automatic fire refers to the ability for a weapon to fire continuously until either the feeding mechanism is emptied or the trigger is released.

Semi-automatic refers to the ability to fire one round per trigger pull and this capability is most commonly found on assault rifles and military weapons of the 20th and 21st centuries. Early attempts at this technology were hindered by one or both of two obstacles, over-powerful ammunition and mechanical complexity, the latter led to excessive weight and unreliability in the firearm.

Another is the M Browning Automatic Rifle developed during the first World War, the BAR and its subsequent designs incorporated a variety of selective-fire functions.

The selector lever is located on the side of the receiver and is simultaneously the manual safety. The next version had a unique rate-of-fire reducer mechanism purchased from FN Herstal with two rates of automatic fire and this reducer mechanism was later changed to one designed by the Springfield Armory.

The final version provided two selectable rates of automatic fire only. Another German design that used selective fire was the StG44 that was the first of its kind to see major deployment and is considered by historians to be the first modern assault rifle.

The selection is often by a small rotating switch often integrated with the safety catch or a separate from the safety. This is useful for situations where a rapid volley of rounds is more effective for suppressing a close enemy rather than a single-round burst.

Other designs reset the count with each pull, allowing a uniform three-round burst as long as rounds remain. Honor guard — An honor guard, or ceremonial guard, is a ceremonial unit, usually military in nature.

A primary role for honor guards in the United States and some countries is to provide funeral honors for fallen comrades. An honor guard may also serve as the guardians of the colors by displaying and escorting the national flag on ceremonial occasions at official state functions, finally, honor guards usually provide detachments for review by visiting heads of state.

Honor guards also serve in the world for fallen police officers. Persons serving in this capacity may or may not be designated, meaning they may not be assigned to serve each, in the USA, military honor guards may serve as ambassadors to the public, presenting a positive image of their service, and assisting with the recruiting effort.

In member states of the Commonwealth of Nations, a guard mounted for ceremonial events is known as a guard of honour. Still serving as part of the Argentine Army, they are the presidential guard, two unmounted grenadiers are stationed in front of the Pink House as a symbol of the ceremonial and honor guard.

The Brazilian armed forces and police have several troops for ceremonial usages, the most important of them is the Brazilian presidents honor guard. It is composed of the 1st Guards Cavalry Regiment — Independence Dragoons, the Presidential Guard Battalion, National Guards Unit includes military units for army salute ceremonials, a band and a wind orchestra.

They marched as the first division in the parade of the 35th, 50th. They are often on parades led by a guard detail carrying the PLA flag. The Honor Guard Battalion performs protocol tasks for the needs of state and military officials, as well as tasks related to the protection.

It consist of up to members, the unit is under direct command of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia. The Republican Guard of the French Gendarmerie provides both foot and horse-mounted guards of honor, in addition, the Wachbataillon takes part in military events and ceremonies of major importance.

Its members, mostly known as Evzones must be taller than 1. They are famous for their discipline, the ability to stand motionless without even blinking, their stylish walking. It gradually replaced the M1 Garand rifle in U.

Army service by and in U. Marine Corps service by It was the standard infantry rifle for U. The M14 was used for U. A new version of the M14, the M14 Enhanced Battle Rifle has been in service since, the M14 was developed from a long line of experimental weapons based upon the M1 rifle.

Although the M1 was among the most advanced infantry rifles of the late s, modifications were already beginning to be made to the basic M1 rifles design during the last months of World War II. Changes included adding fully automatic firing capability and replacing the eight-round en bloc clips with a box magazine holding 20 rounds.

Winchester, Remington, and Springfield Armorys own John Garand offered different conversions, garands design, the T20, was the most popular, and T20 prototypes served as the basis for a number of Springfield test rifles from through the early s.

The two men were transferred to Springfield Armory in late, where work on the T25 continued. The T25 was designed to use the T65 service cartridge, a Frankford Arsenal design based upon.

Olin Industries later introduced the cartridge on the market as the. After a series of revisions by Earle Harvey and other members of the. Lloyd Corbett, an engineer in Harveys rifle design group, added various refinements to the T44 design, including an operating rod.

The T47, which did not have a roller and performed worse in dust. Army facilities in the Arctic. FN engineers opened the gas ports in an attempt to improve functioning, as a result, the T44 was ranked superior in cold weather operation to the T In June, funding was made available to manufacture newly fabricated T44 receivers specially designed for the shorter T65 cartridge.

Simonov used elements of his design, a 7. On firing the last round, the bolt is held open, the gas-operated PTRS has a tendency to jam when dirty, and the One of the rifles was fitted with a muzzle brake from a PTRD.

Anti-tank rifle — An anti-tank rifle is a rifle designed to penetrate the armor of vehicles, particularly tanks. The usefulness of rifles for this purpose ran from the introduction of tanks in World War I until the Korean War, anti-materiel rifles of today, such as the Barrett M82, are a development of the Second World War technology.

The tug of war between armor and projectiles had been developing for a long while among naval vessels, since the advent of the Ironclad and it wasnt until soldiers met armored vehicles that the conflict of infantry firearms and armor began.

The introduction of armored cars and tanks resulted in the development of the first anti-tank weapons and these had appeared in the 19th century for big-game hunting.

The anti-tank rifle followed the route, a large bullet with a high velocity. The first tanks, beginning with the British Mark I launched against the German trenches in World War I, were nearly impregnable to ordinary rifle fire.

Most armored cars were protected, but troops rarely faced armored cars. In the direct fire mode, this weapon was manhandled by German infantry over the front of a trench wall, though somewhat effective, these actions were obviously very hazardous to any desperate mortar crew as their exposure could attract enemy fire.

The first attempt at boosting penetrating power was the so-called reversed bullet and this used the same cartridge and bullet as the regular round, but the bullet was reversed and an increased propelling charge was used.

The next development was a special armor-piercing bullet, the K bullet and it had an increased propelling charge and a steel core bullet. The strain of firing the charge could also burst the chamber of weaker and older rifles, at best destroying the rifle.

For these reasons, the K bullet and reversed bullet were not popular with the troops, nevertheless, it gave the infantry a chance to stop a tank in an emergency, or at least injure or kill some of the crew if a bullet penetrated.

Hence, a weapon was required to counter the newer tanks. The first purposely-designed infantry anti-tank rifle was designed by Germany, the Mauser T-Gewehr large-calibre rifle was capable of penetrating the armor of the newer generations of tanks and allowed a chance at stopping them.

The high recoil of the rifle was very hard on the firer, although the rifle was unique to its role, it was a development of the Mauser rifles and high-powered British sporting rifles that had preceded it.

It would be used with the Browning-designed. The PLA is the worlds largest military force, with a strength of approximately 2,, personnel. The Ministry of National Defense, which operates under the State Council and this conception of the role of the PLA requires the promotion of specialised officers who can understand modern weaponry and handle combined arms operations.

Units around the country are assigned to one of five Theater commands by geographical location, Military service is compulsory by law, however, compulsory military service in China has never been enforced due to large numbers of military and paramilitary personnel.

The PLA then saw a reorganisation with the establishment of the Air Force leadership structure in November followed by the Navy leadership the following April. In, the structures of the artillery, armoured troops, air defence troops, public security forces.

The chemical warfare defence forces, the forces, the communications forces. During the s, the PLA with Soviet assistance began to transform itself from a peasant army into a modern one, part of this process was the reorganisation that created thirteen military regions in Type 63 assault rifle — The Type 63, often incorrectly referred to as Type 68 by Western sources, is a Chinese-designed rifle with a resemblance to the SKS.

However, the uses a rotating bolt working system from the AK rifle instead of the tilting bolt system of the SKS. Shipments were also made to Afghanistan to support the guerrilla fighters against the Soviet invasion.

The fire selector is placed on the side of the weapon right above the trigger guard. Additionally, design flaws and poor manufacturing qualities erupted with user experience gaining a reputation of unreliability, poor performance and increasing availability of more modern weapons in Chinese service caused the final withdrawal of this weapon from PLA use in Several thousand of these rifles, with welded semi-auto-only selectors, were imported as surplus into Australia and it was shown that the guns could be converted back to select fire, although one required a reasonable knowledge, metalworking skill, and access to the right machinery.

Customs made an attempt to recover them, but a number were unrecovered. A second charger can be used to load the magazine. If the bolt stop has been removed or ground down, a round magazine can be used, but, it must be pre-filled off the gun as the bolt will automatically close on the empty chamber and close off the top feed opening.

Production started in at State Factory 66, and since then it has produced by Norinco. The Type 56 is a widely proliferated variant of the AK, while the exact production figures are unknown, it is commonly estimated that 10 to 15 million Type 56 rifles have been produced since the s.

Thus, Chinese and Vietnamese forces fought each other using the same Type 56 rifles, the Type 56 was used extensively by Iranian forces during the Iran—Iraq War of the s, with Iran purchasing large quantities of weapons from China for their armed forces.

During the war, Iraq also purchased a quantity, despite them being a major recipient of Soviet weapons. Since the end of the Cold War, the Type 56 has been used in conflicts by various military forces.

Versions of this weapon that have the full-auto firing ability deleted are also available for ownership in most parts of the United States. In the mids, Sri Lanka started to replace their L1A1 Self-Loading Rifles, currently, they use the fixed stock, under-folding stock and side-folding stock variants.

Use of the Type 56 in Afghanistan also continued well into the s, when Taliban forces seized control of Kabul in The Type 56 has been used by the Janjaweed in the Darfur region of Sudan with pictures and news footage showing members of the Janjaweed carrying Type 56 rifles.

In, Michael Ryan used a legally owned Type 56 rifle, the attack led to the passage of Firearms Act, which bans ownership of semi-automatic centre-fire rifles and restricts the use of shotguns.

China launched the offensive in response to Vietnams invasion and occupation of Cambodia in, Kissinger also noted that hatever the shortcomings of its execution, the Chinese campaign reflected a serious, long-term strategic analysis.

Chinese forces entered northern Vietnam and captured several cities near the border, on March 6,, China declared that the gate to Hanoi was open and that their punitive mission had been achieved, before withdrawing their troops from Vietnam.

Both China and Vietnam claimed victory in the last of the Indochina Wars, as Vietnamese troops remained in Cambodia until, it can be said that China was unsuccessful in their goal of dissuading Vietnam from involvement in Cambodia.

Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Sino-Vietnamese border was finalized, although unable to deter Vietnam from Cambodia, China was able to demonstrate that its Cold War communist adversary, the Soviet Union, was unable to protect its Vietnamese ally.

Nationalist Chinese troops entered the country to disarm Japanese troops north of the 16th parallel on 14 September, the parallel divided Indochina into Chinese and British controlled zones.

Once hostilities had ended the British handed over the territory to the French, in January, the Viet Minh won elections across central and northern Vietnam. British forces departed on 26 March, leaving Vietnam in the control of the French, the French landed in Hanoi by March and in November of that year they ousted the Viet Minh from the city.

Soon thereafter, the Viet Minh began a war against the French Union forces. Vietnam first became a French colony when France invaded in, by the s, the French had expanded their sphere of influence in Southeast Asia to include all of Vietnam, and by both Laos and Cambodia had become French colonies as well.

Prior to their attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese occupied French Indochina, the Japanese surrender in August created a power vacuum in Indochina, as the various political factions scrambled for control.

The events leading to the First Indochina War are subject to historical dispute, when the Viet Minh hastily sought to establish the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, the remaining French acquiesced while waiting for the return of French forces to the region.

The Soviets nonetheless remained less supportive than China until after the Sino-Soviet split, the war itself involved numerous events that had major impacts throughout Indochina.

Two major conferences were held to bring about a resolution, finally, on July 20,, the Geneva Conference resulted in a political settlement to reunite the country, signed with support from China, Russia, and Western European powers.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see SKS disambiguation. This article may be expanded with text translated from the corresponding article in Russian.

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For more guidance, see Wikipedia: Used by Congolese Military Police for rifle drill. Limited to ceremonial purposes. Jane's Guns Recognition Guide. Retrieved 26 November The Sydney Morning Herald.

Retrieved June 30, Russian Roulette in Ukraine Dispatch 39 ". Archived from the original on January 23, Jane's Information Group; 35 edition January 27, The Illustrated Directory of 20th Century Guns.

The named reference jones was invoked but never defined see the help page. Archived from the original on Soviet infantry weapons of World War II. Retrieved from " https: Pages with reference errors All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from February Pages with broken reference names Articles containing Russian-language text All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from April Articles with unsourced statements from February Articles with unsourced statements from January Articles to be expanded from February All articles to be expanded Articles needing translation from Russian Wikipedia Articles with unsourced statements from January Pages using div col without cols and colwidth parameters Articles with unsourced statements from October Articles with unsourced statements from August Articles with Italian-language external links.

In, the American M1 Garand was the first semi-automatic rifle to replace its nations bolt-action rifle as the infantry weapon 2. These situations did not require a heavy rifle, firing full-power rifle bullets with long-range accuracy, the lower-powered round would also weigh less, allowing a soldier to carry more ammunition 3.

On 25 December, Gorbachev resigned and the twelve constituent republics emerged from the dissolution of the Soviet Union as independent post-Soviet states 4.

Field trials of the new rifle proved the weapon and, in a pre-production run of the SKS went to the Belorussian Offensive for battlefield trials 5. One downside caused by the strength of steel in the neck of these cases is that propellant gas can blow back past the neck 7.

The Allin action made by Springfield Arsenal in the US hinged forward, france countered in with its superior Chassepot rifle, also a paper-cartridge bolt action 8. The M Three Line Rifle utilized stripper clips, however the design was improved upon later, still, it is faster than reloading with single cartridges The Mauser Model was originally a single-shot action that added a magazine in its update Crucial departments such as responsible for personnel, general police, secret police For collectors, slamfires are more likely when the still has remnants of Cosmoline embedded in it that retard firing pin movement However, this use was not always consistent, for example, before World War II, Ostdeutschland was used to describe all the territories east of the Elbe, as reflected in the works of sociologist Max Weber and political theorist Carl Schmitt One of the leaders was the communist Kim Il-sung, who later became the leader of North Korea The RPD is equipped with a set of iron sights However it had no lock to keep it fast to the muzzle and was well-documented for falling off in the heat of battle It was a refined, lighter design incorporating a modified, folding It was generally accepted at the time that the war ended with the armistice of 14 August, rather than the formal surrender of Japan An emergency order was made to manufacture quantities of ammunition that matched the ballistics of the earlier M cartridge as soon as possible Sometimes as part of a SWAT team, police snipers are deployed alongside negotiators and an assault team trained for close quarters combat In, the German Army set out requirements for a Mauser 98 replacement and it had to be smaller and lighter than the Mauser, have similar performance out to metres, and have a magazine with a 20 or 30 round capacity After a large amount of the more serviceable SVTs were captured, in the Soviet Union, the AVS was quickly marginalized and apparently withdrawn from service during, though it saw brief service during World War II The post-war period - the time of work in a different kinds of sporting and hunting weapons They are famous for their discipline, the ability to stand motionless without even blinking, their stylish walking In June, funding was made available to manufacture newly fabricated T44 receivers specially designed for the shorter T65 cartridge I never found good information on making a great whole roasted turkey in an electric roaster oven and thought I'd share my tried and true tips for making your holiday.

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05.02.2018 - The receiver was open-top, which enabled reloading of the magazine using five round Mosin—Nagant stripper clips, fairly advanced features for the time were the adjustable gas system, muzzle brake, and telescopic sight rails milled into the receiver. I know many people don't like them but I find it enjoyable and euphoric. Ccleaner lite on dvd recorder manual - Full free d... GEICO's advertising campaign strategy incorporates a saturation - level amount of print primarily mail circulars and Geico tap dance commercials on radio television parody advertisements, as well as. Idk, I didn't notice the thongs thing, but I thought that episode was absolutely terrible.

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27.02.2018 - It is a gas-operated rifle that has a spring-loaded bolt carrier and a gas piston rod that work to unlock and cycle the action via gas pressure exerting pressure against them. A Likert Scale Questionnaire is one where the subjects are asked to mark how much Likert quesrionaire template they agree with the point of view in the item. Ccleaner free download for xp latest version with... My daughter had tonsils and adenoids removed at age 5, and was diagnosed at age 6 with ADHD. West Germans, the media and statesmen purposely avoided the official name and its abbreviation, instead using terms like Ostzone, Sowjetische Besatzungszone.

Excess gas is then vented back into the bore, the M14 rifle and M60 GPMG use the White expansion and cutoff system to stop gas from entering the cylinder once the piston has traveled a short distance.

Most systems, however, vent excess gas into the atmosphere through slots, holes, a gas trap system involves trapping combustion gas as it leaves the muzzle. This gas impinges on a surface that converts the energy to motion that, hiram Maxim patented a muzzle-cup system in described in U.

Patent, though it is if this firearm was ever prototyped. John Browning used gas trapped at the muzzle to operate a flapper in the earliest prototype gas-operated firearm described in U. S, the Danish Bang rifle used a muzzle cup blown forward by muzzle gas to operate the action through transfer bars and leverage.

Other gas-trap rifles were early production US gas-trap M1 Garands, German Gewehr 41 and these systems are longer, heavier, dirtier and more complex than later gas-operated firearms. Despite these disadvantages, they used relatively low gas and did not require a hole in the barrel.

The American and German governments both had requirements that their guns operated without a hole being drilled in the barrel, both governments would first adopt weapons and later abandon the concept.

All US M1 Garand rifles were retrofitted with long-stroke gas pistons, with a long-stroke system, the piston is mechanically fixed to the bolt group and moves through the entire operating cycle.

Bolt firearms — A bolt is a mechanical part of a firearm that blocks the rear of the chamber while the propellant burns, but moves out of the way to allow another cartridge or shell to be inserted in the chamber.

In an automatic or semi-automatic firearm, the bolt cycles back, when it moves back, the extractor pulls the spent casing from the chamber. When it moves forward, it strips a cartridge from the magazine, once the case is clear of the chamber, the ejector kicks the case out of the firearm.

The extractor and firing pin are often parts of the bolt. The slide of a pistol is a form of bolt. Fedor Tokarev created the design for the SVT rifle in the early s.

Tokarev gave up his previous experiments with a recoil-operated self-loading rifle, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin had a great interest in semi-automatic infantry rifles, and the Army held trials of automatic rifle designs in However, problems with the AVS quickly became apparent, and further trials were held to which both Tokarev and Simonov submitted their improved designs.

This time, Tokarevs rifle was chosen and was accepted for production under the designation SVT, ambitious production plans were made, production was anticipated to be two million rifles per year by Production began at Tula Arsenal in July, the SVT is a gas-operated rifle with a short-stroke, spring-loaded piston above the barrel and a tilting bolt.

This configuration gained wider acceptance later, Soviet small arms were usually of simple and robust construction, designed for use by poorly educated and sometimes poorly equipped soldiers.

The SVT, in contrast, had designed with weight savings in mind, including its wood stock, receiver. It is gas-operated action with a cup that was not readily accessible. It was complex by Soviet standards, and was not suited to handle corrosively-primed ammunition without frequent cleaning, the SVT was equipped with a bayonet and a round detachable magazine.

The receiver was open-top, which enabled reloading of the magazine using five round Mosin—Nagant stripper clips, fairly advanced features for the time were the adjustable gas system, muzzle brake, and telescopic sight rails milled into the receiver.

The sniper variant had an additional locking notch for a scope mount and was equipped with a 3. The initial reaction of the troops to this new rifle was negative, among the issues were that the rifle was too long and cumbersome, difficult to maintain, and the magazine had a tendency to fall out of the rifle.

Production of the SVT was terminated in April after some, examples were manufactured, subsequently, an improved design, designated the SVT, entered production.

It was a refined, lighter design incorporating a modified, folding. It involved the vast majority of the worlds countries—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing alliances, the Allies and the Axis.

It was the most widespread war in history, and directly involved more than million people from over 30 countries. Marked by mass deaths of civilians, including the Holocaust and the bombing of industrial and population centres.

These made World War II the deadliest conflict in human history, from late to early, in a series of campaigns and treaties, Germany conquered or controlled much of continental Europe, and formed the Axis alliance with Italy and Japan.

The Axis advance halted in when Japan lost the critical Battle of Midway, near Hawaii, in, the Western Allies invaded German-occupied France, while the Soviet Union regained all of its territorial losses and invaded Germany and its allies.

During and the Japanese suffered major reverses in mainland Asia in South Central China and Burma, while the Allies crippled the Japanese Navy, thus ended the war in Asia, cementing the total victory of the Allies.

World War II altered the political alignment and social structure of the world, the United Nations was established to foster international co-operation and prevent future conflicts. Meanwhile, the influence of European great powers waned, while the decolonisation of Asia, most countries whose industries had been damaged moved towards economic recovery.

Political integration, especially in Europe, emerged as an effort to end pre-war enmities, the start of the war in Europe is generally held to be 1 September, beginning with the German invasion of Poland, Britain and France declared war on Germany two days later.

The dates for the beginning of war in the Pacific include the start of the Second Sino-Japanese War on 7 July, or even the Japanese invasion of Manchuria on 19 September Others follow the British historian A.

Taylor, who held that the Sino-Japanese War and war in Europe and its colonies occurred simultaneously and this article uses the conventional dating. It was generally accepted at the time that the war ended with the armistice of 14 August, rather than the formal surrender of Japan.

In the cartridge was adapted to use smokeless powder and it was the standard British and Commonwealth military cartridge from until the s when it was replaced by the 7. P, regulated countries are currently proof tested at Measured between the grooves, the size of the bore is.

Recommended bullet diameter for standard. Unlike Cordite, Riflelite was a powder, and contained no nitroglycerine. After tests determined that the bullet had too thin a jacket when used with cordite.

This led to the introduction of the Cartridge S. The design of the Mk IV hollow-point bullet shifted bullet weight rearwards, improving stability, the remaining stocks were used for target practice.

The concern about expanding bullets was brought up at the Hague Convention by Swiss, the British and American defense was that they should not focus on specific bullet designs, like hollow-points, but instead on rounds that caused superfluous injury.

The parties in the end agreed to abstain from using expanding bullets, as a result, the Mark III and other expanding versions of the. In the early s, the U. Around, the U.

Consequently, the round-nosed U. For these reasons, the U. The M Springfield rifle, which had been introduced alongside the. Modifications to the rifle included shortening the barrel at its breech and resizing the chamber, other changes to the rifle included elimination of the troublesome rod bayonet of the earlier Springfield rifles.

The M maximum range was originally overstated, when the M cartridge was developed, the range tests had been done to only 1, yards, distances beyond that were estimated, but the estimate for extreme range was wrong by almost 40 percent.

The range discrepancy became evident during World War I, before the widespread employment of light mortars and artillery, long-range machine gun barrage or indirect fires were considered important in U.

When those weapons were replaced with US machine guns firing the M round. Firing tests performed around at Borden Brook Reservoir, Miami, patrone was inroduced in and used a Its maximum range was approximately 5, yd.

Additionally, wartime surplus totaled over 2 billion rounds of ammunition. Army regulations called for training use of the oldest ammunition first, as a result, the older. By, it was discovered that the range of the.

An emergency order was made to manufacture quantities of ammunition that matched the ballistics of the earlier M cartridge as soon as possible. Sniper — Sniping requires the development of basic infantry skills to a high degree of skill.

A snipers training incorporates a variety of subjects designed to increase value as a force multiplier. The art of sniping requires learning and repetitively practicing these skills until mastered, a sniper must be highly trained in long range rifle marksmanship and field craft skills to ensure maximum effective engagements with minimum risk.

The verb to snipe originated in the s among soldiers in British India in reference to shooting snipe, the agent noun sniper appears by the s. According to figures released by the United States Department of Defense, the average number of rounds expended by U.

According to the United States Army, the soldier will hit a man-sized target 10 percent of the time at meters using the M16A2 rifle. Graduates of the United States Army Sniper School are expected to achieve 90 percent first-round hits at meters, different countries use different military doctrines regarding snipers in military units, settings, and tactics.

Soviet - and Russian-derived military doctrines include squad-level snipers, snipers have increasingly been demonstrated as useful by US and UK forces in the recent Iraq campaign in a fire support role to cover the movement of infantry, especially in urban areas.

Military snipers from the US, UK, and other countries that adopt their military doctrine are typically deployed in two-man sniper teams consisting of a shooter and spotter, a common practice is for a shooter and a spotter to take turns in order to avoid eye fatigue.

A sniper team would be armed with its long weapon. Sniper rifles are classified as crew-served, as the term is used in the United States military, a sniper team consists of a combination of one or more shooters with force protection elements and support personnel, such as a spotter or a flanker.

Both spotter and flanker carries additional ammunition and associated equipment, the spotter detects, observes, and assigns targets and watches for the results of the shot. Law enforcement snipers, commonly called police snipers, and military snipers differ in ways, including their areas of operation.

A police sharpshooter is part of an operation and usually takes part in relatively short missions. Police forces typically deploy such sharpshooters in hostage scenarios and this differs from a military sniper, who operates as part of a larger army, engaged in warfare.

Sometimes as part of a SWAT team, police snipers are deployed alongside negotiators and an assault team trained for close quarters combat. It is a rifle round designed to be fired from the M1 carbines inch barrel.

The propellant was much newer, though, taking advantage of chemistry advances, as a result, the. At first, Winchester was tasked with developing the cartridge but did not submit a carbine design, other firms and individual designers submitted several carbine designs, but most prototypes were either unreliable or grossly off the target weight of five pounds.

The M1 Carbine was issued to officers, machine gun, artillery and tank crews, paratroopers. The weapon was issued with a round detachable magazine. The Carbine and cartridge were not intended to serve as an infantry weapon.

The M2 Carbine was introduced late in World War II with a switch allowing optional fully automatic fire at a rather high rate. Army evaluation reported that here are practically no data bearing on the accuracy of the carbine at ranges in excess of 50 yards.

The record contains a few examples of carbine-aimed fire felling an enemy soldier at this distance or perhaps a little more, but they are so few in number that no general conclusion can be drawn from them.

Where carbine fire had proved killing effect, approximately 95 percent of the time the target was dropped at less than 50 yards, by experience, they would come to handle it semiautomatically, but it took prolonged battle hardening to bring about this adjustment in the human equation.

With these requirements in hand, Winchesters Edwin Pugsley chose to design the cartridge with a. The first cartridges were made by turning down rims on. Even in long-barreled carbines, military-style full metal jacket projectiles do not expand as easily as soft or hollow point, in addition, the high sectional density of the projectile causes the bullet to overpenetrate.

With millions of surplus M1 Carbines still owned by civilians, the continues to be used for these purposes into the present day. A number of handguns have been chambered for. M1 carbine — The M1 carbine is a lightweight, easy to use.

The M1 carbine was produced in variants and was widely used by not only the U. It has also been a civilian firearm. The M2 carbine is the version of the M1 carbine capable of firing in both semi-automatic and full-automatic.

The M3 carbine was an M2 carbine with an infrared scope system. Despite its name and similar appearance, the M1 carbine is not a version of the M1 Garand rifle. It is a different firearm and it fires a different type of ammunition.

It was simply called a carbine because it is smaller and lighter than the Garand. On July 1,, the U. Army began using the current naming system where the M is the designation for Model, therefore, the M1 rifle was the first rifle developed under this system.

The M1 carbine was the first carbine developed under this system, the M2 carbine was the second carbine developed under the system, etc. Army Ordnance received reports that the full-size M1 rifle was too heavy and cumbersome for most support troops to carry.

During prewar and early war field exercises, it was found that the M1 Garand impeded these soldiers mobility, as a rifle would frequently catch on brush, bang the helmet. Many soldiers found the rifle slid off the shoulder unless slung diagonally across the back, additionally, Germanys use of glider-borne and paratroop forces to launch surprise attacks behind the front lines, generated a request for a new compact infantry weapon to equip support troops.

This request called for a compact, lightweight defensive weapon with greater range, accuracy and firepower than handguns, while weighing half as much as the Thompson submachine gun or the M1 rifle.

Army decided that a carbine would adequately fulfill all of these requirements, Paratroopers were also added to the list of intended users and a folding-stock version would also be developed.

In, the Chief of Infantry requested that the Ordnance Department develop a rifle or carbine. This led to a competition in by major U. The rifle originated as a design by Jonathan Ed Browning, brother of the famous firearm designer John Browning.

It is also known under the designations MP43 and MP44, by all accounts, the StG44 fulfilled its role effectively, particularly on the Eastern Front, offering a greatly increased volume of fire compared to standard infantry rifles.

However, it too late to have a significant effect on the outcome of the war. Its lasting effect was its impact on modern infantry small arms development. MP43, MP44, and StG44 were different designations for what was essentially the same rifle with minor updates in production, the variety in nomenclatures resulted from the complicated bureaucracy in Nazi Germany.

Developed from the Mkb 42 machine carbine, the StG44 combined the characteristics of a carbine, submachine gun, StG is an abbreviation of Sturmgewehr.

After the adoption of the StG44, the English translation assault rifle became the designation for this type of infantry small arm. Over the course of its production, there were changes to the butt end, muzzle nut, shape of the front sight base.

The rifle was chambered for the 7. The British were critical of the weapon, saying that the receiver could be bent, a late-war U. In the late 19th century, small-arms cartridges had become able to fire accurately at long distances, jacketed bullets propelled by smokeless powder were lethal out to 2, metres.

This was beyond the range a shooter could engage a target with open sights, only units of riflemen firing in salvos could hit grouped soft targets at those ranges. That fighting style was taken over by the introduction of machine guns.

Weapons for short range were semi-automatic pistols, and later submachine guns. The gap in cartridge ranges caused research into creating an intermediate round and this type of ammunition was being considered as early as, but militaries at the time were still fixated on increasing the maximum range and velocity of bullets from their rifles.

He pointed out that firefights rarely took place beyond metres, a smaller, shorter, and less powerful round would save materials, allow soldiers to carry more ammunition, and increase firepower.

Less recoil would allow semi-automatic or even fully automatic select-fire rifles, the German Army showed no interest, as it already had the MP18 submachine gun firing 9 mm pistol rounds and did not want to create a new cartridge.

In, the German Army set out requirements for a Mauser 98 replacement and it had to be smaller and lighter than the Mauser, have similar performance out to metres, and have a magazine with a 20 or 30 round capacity.

It was among the early selective fire infantry rifles formally adopted for military service, the designer, Sergei Simonov, began his work with a gas-operated self-loading rifle in The first prototype was ready in and appeared promising, in, a competition between Simonovs design and a rifle made by Fedor Tokarev was held.

The Simonov rifle emerged as a winner and was accepted into service as the AVS, the AVS was a gas-operated rifle with a short piston stroke and vertical sliding locking block. It was capable of automatic and semi-automatic fire.

The barrel was equipped with a muzzle brake to reduce recoil. Ammunition was in a magazine holding 15 rounds. A knife bayonet was issued with the rifle, a sniper version was produced in small amounts with a PE scope.

The rifle was also particular about ammunition quality, the muzzle brake design proved to be a failure — the rifle was nearly uncontrollable in automatic fire. Some of the problems were traced to the magazine, which was deemed too long, production of the AVS was terminated in, and a new design competition was held to which Simonov and Tokarev submitted their improved designs.

In Tokarevs SVT was also adopted for service, in a politicized dispute erupted within the Soviet elite as to which design, that of Simonov or that of Tokarev, should prevail. Simonovs rifle was lighter and contained fewer parts, while Tokarevs rifle was considered sturdier, both guns had their supporters and detractors among the Politburo.

Stalin ultimately sided with Tokarev, with whom he had a personal relationship. By a decision of the Defense Committee dated 17 July, the rifle first saw service in the Battle of Khalkhin Gol, and later in the Winter War, but did not perform well.

Some of the problems were caused by maintenance, many rifles went into combat without having been cleaned of their storage grease. After a large amount of the more serviceable SVTs were captured, in the Soviet Union, the AVS was quickly marginalized and apparently withdrawn from service during, though it saw brief service during World War II.

Soviet Army — It had 2. At the end of World War II the Red Army had over rifle divisions and their experience of war gave the Soviets such faith in tank forces that the infantry force was cut by two-thirds.

The Tank Corps of the war period were converted to tank divisions. MRDs had three motorized rifle regiments and a regiment, for a total of ten motor rifle battalions and six tank battalions.

The Land Forces Chief Command was created for the first time in March, four years later it was disbanded, only to be formed again in In March the Chief Command was again disbanded but recreated in November, the personnel strength of the Ground Forces was reduced from 9.

Soviet troops, including the 39th Army, remained at Port Arthur, control was then handed over to the new Chinese communist government. Soviet Army forces on USSR territory were apportioned among military districts, there were 32 of them in In, at the east end of the Soviet Union, the Sino-Soviet border conflict, prompted establishment of a 16th military district, in, the Soviet Union entered Afghanistan, to support its Communist government, provoking a year Afghan mujahideen guerrilla resistance.

Throughout the Cold War, Western intelligence estimates calculated that the Soviet strength remained ca. About three-quarters were motor rifle divisions and the tank divisions.

There were also a number of artillery divisions, separate artillery brigades, engineer formations. However, only relatively few formations were fully war ready, three readiness categories, A, B, and V, after the first three letters of the Cyrillic alphabet, were in force.

Throughout its history, it has produced weapons for the Russian state and its name was changed from Tula Arsenal to Tula Arms Plant during the Soviet era. Historically, the plant produced a variety of arms and sports weapons for the Russian Army.

Originally, the plant was created to defend the citizens of Tula from nomads invasions, because they did not have enough weapons, so, by decree of Peter the Great, construction started on the plant.

Firstly in the production of mechanisms had started to use the most advanced technologies, in the 18th century this plant was recognized as etalon of Russian Arms Production. The flourishing of Tula Arms Plant had in the half of 18th century.

In the plant started production of the famous Berdan rifle with an improved bolt, workshop was organized by a model where created their own models of small arms and hunting weapons.

Increased production of products, single - and double-barrel muzzle-loading shotguns. In, as a result of complex tests Mosins entry was chosen over the Belgian design, in the factory was re-organized, fully mechanized mass production of hunting rifles.

In the factory started the production of Maxim machine gun, in planning and design office was established in order to improve the work of all of the plants designers, the result of which was the development of aircraft machine guns - PV-1 and ShKAS.

Between and the plant built the countrys first spinning machines, between and the plant mastered the production of milling machines, and started to massively produce three models of them.

Tula was strategically important to the Soviet Union during the Cold War, significant ore deposits were situated relatively close to it and it had access to ample transportation routes like the Upa River and many rail lines coming in and out of the city.

As a result, far fewer weapons were produced there than at other Soviet factories such as Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, consequently, Tula weapons of World War II are considered more valuable by collectors.

The post-war period - the time of work in a different kinds of sporting and hunting weapons. The modes are chosen by means of a selector which varies depending on the weapons design, some selective-fire weapons have burst fire mechanisms to limit the maximum number of shots fired automatically in this mode.

The most common limits are two or three rounds per trigger pull, fully automatic fire refers to the ability for a weapon to fire continuously until either the feeding mechanism is emptied or the trigger is released.

Semi-automatic refers to the ability to fire one round per trigger pull and this capability is most commonly found on assault rifles and military weapons of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Early attempts at this technology were hindered by one or both of two obstacles, over-powerful ammunition and mechanical complexity, the latter led to excessive weight and unreliability in the firearm.

Another is the M Browning Automatic Rifle developed during the first World War, the BAR and its subsequent designs incorporated a variety of selective-fire functions. The selector lever is located on the side of the receiver and is simultaneously the manual safety.

The next version had a unique rate-of-fire reducer mechanism purchased from FN Herstal with two rates of automatic fire and this reducer mechanism was later changed to one designed by the Springfield Armory.

The final version provided two selectable rates of automatic fire only. Another German design that used selective fire was the StG44 that was the first of its kind to see major deployment and is considered by historians to be the first modern assault rifle.

The selection is often by a small rotating switch often integrated with the safety catch or a separate from the safety. This is useful for situations where a rapid volley of rounds is more effective for suppressing a close enemy rather than a single-round burst.

Other designs reset the count with each pull, allowing a uniform three-round burst as long as rounds remain. Honor guard — An honor guard, or ceremonial guard, is a ceremonial unit, usually military in nature.

A primary role for honor guards in the United States and some countries is to provide funeral honors for fallen comrades. An honor guard may also serve as the guardians of the colors by displaying and escorting the national flag on ceremonial occasions at official state functions, finally, honor guards usually provide detachments for review by visiting heads of state.

Honor guards also serve in the world for fallen police officers. Persons serving in this capacity may or may not be designated, meaning they may not be assigned to serve each, in the USA, military honor guards may serve as ambassadors to the public, presenting a positive image of their service, and assisting with the recruiting effort.

In member states of the Commonwealth of Nations, a guard mounted for ceremonial events is known as a guard of honour. Still serving as part of the Argentine Army, they are the presidential guard, two unmounted grenadiers are stationed in front of the Pink House as a symbol of the ceremonial and honor guard.

The Brazilian armed forces and police have several troops for ceremonial usages, the most important of them is the Brazilian presidents honor guard. It is composed of the 1st Guards Cavalry Regiment — Independence Dragoons, the Presidential Guard Battalion, National Guards Unit includes military units for army salute ceremonials, a band and a wind orchestra.

They marched as the first division in the parade of the 35th, 50th. They are often on parades led by a guard detail carrying the PLA flag. The Honor Guard Battalion performs protocol tasks for the needs of state and military officials, as well as tasks related to the protection.

It consist of up to members, the unit is under direct command of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia. The Republican Guard of the French Gendarmerie provides both foot and horse-mounted guards of honor, in addition, the Wachbataillon takes part in military events and ceremonies of major importance.

Its members, mostly known as Evzones must be taller than 1. They are famous for their discipline, the ability to stand motionless without even blinking, their stylish walking. It gradually replaced the M1 Garand rifle in U.

Army service by and in U. Marine Corps service by It was the standard infantry rifle for U. The M14 was used for U. A new version of the M14, the M14 Enhanced Battle Rifle has been in service since, the M14 was developed from a long line of experimental weapons based upon the M1 rifle.

Although the M1 was among the most advanced infantry rifles of the late s, modifications were already beginning to be made to the basic M1 rifles design during the last months of World War II.

Changes included adding fully automatic firing capability and replacing the eight-round en bloc clips with a box magazine holding 20 rounds. Winchester, Remington, and Springfield Armorys own John Garand offered different conversions, garands design, the T20, was the most popular, and T20 prototypes served as the basis for a number of Springfield test rifles from through the early s.

The two men were transferred to Springfield Armory in late, where work on the T25 continued. The T25 was designed to use the T65 service cartridge, a Frankford Arsenal design based upon.

Olin Industries later introduced the cartridge on the market as the. After a series of revisions by Earle Harvey and other members of the. Lloyd Corbett, an engineer in Harveys rifle design group, added various refinements to the T44 design, including an operating rod.

The T47, which did not have a roller and performed worse in dust. Army facilities in the Arctic. FN engineers opened the gas ports in an attempt to improve functioning, as a result, the T44 was ranked superior in cold weather operation to the T In June, funding was made available to manufacture newly fabricated T44 receivers specially designed for the shorter T65 cartridge.

Simonov used elements of his design, a 7. On firing the last round, the bolt is held open, the gas-operated PTRS has a tendency to jam when dirty, and the One of the rifles was fitted with a muzzle brake from a PTRD.

Anti-tank rifle — An anti-tank rifle is a rifle designed to penetrate the armor of vehicles, particularly tanks. The usefulness of rifles for this purpose ran from the introduction of tanks in World War I until the Korean War, anti-materiel rifles of today, such as the Barrett M82, are a development of the Second World War technology.

The tug of war between armor and projectiles had been developing for a long while among naval vessels, since the advent of the Ironclad and it wasnt until soldiers met armored vehicles that the conflict of infantry firearms and armor began.

The introduction of armored cars and tanks resulted in the development of the first anti-tank weapons and these had appeared in the 19th century for big-game hunting. More info all about Ustazah Coli might be found on this.

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