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aeku m5 hole y moley examining stomata answers

aeku m5 hole y moley examining stomata answers

I did find that several of the kids were "unwilling" to follow directions, they just wanted to be told what to do. Sue Fortin Dec,

Holey Moley

The kids were able to "play" with the program and found a great way to creat animation - so I might want to use that somehow - maybe when we are studying forces and motion - maybe something to do with the speed of objects moving in the animation. The using excel to create a speed graph. I did find that several of the kids were "unwilling" to follow directions, they just wanted to be told what to do. China smartphones online shopping Since we needed 2 days in the computer lab, kids needed to reset the scale if they needed to continue measuring. The kids were able to "play" with the program and found a great way to creat animation - so I might want to use that somehow - maybe when we are studying forces and motion - maybe something to do with the speed of objects moving in the animation. It would be great if you could share your next version of the student handout, sometime later when you get a chance to revise it.

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List at least 2 differences. Crater diameters needed the line tool, while area required the draw tool. Sample answers to the "Analyze and Conclude" questions from 2 students.

The kids used 4 images I had downloaded from NASA which showed the northside, southside, nearside, and farsides of the moon. The best place to land spacecraft is on the near side. I think the moon should be full so you have light to land and the complete nearside of the moon will be in view. I will give you all 4 so you can decide what you want to do with them. They were also able to make conclusions about what they learned about the moon's features after their investigation. Marias are large, flat surfaces and they would be great to land on.

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05.03.2018 - The kids were able to "play" with the program and found a great way to creat animation - so I might want to use that somehow - maybe when we are studying forces and motion - maybe something to do with the speed of objects moving in the animation. The farside has more craters than any other side. Not quite sure yet. I'm not sure, but I will post them here for you. They analyzed their results and proposed a potential landing site for a spacecraft as well as which phase of the moon would be more beneficial to land during. Once they completed the investigation, they became helpers in the lab and became teachers. Unfortunately the computer labs are booked for the next few weeks, but maybe I could present the images to the students in class to do an abbreviated version of the lesson.

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30.01.2018 - Kids first made observations about the sides, then used ImageJ to measure the diameter of craters and the area of maria on the sides of the moon. Christine Brasacchio Dec, LuAnn Dahlman Dec, The farside has more craters than any other side. I think the moon should be full so you have light to land and the complete nearside of the moon will be in view. Most of the kids didn't bother using the screen shots and the packet seemed just too "LARGE" for them.

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Continue reading "leaf stomata lab" Skip to content. Biology Junction. Everything you need in Biology. leaf stomata lab. Counting Leaf Stomata: Introduction.

18.02.2018 - Finally you will be protected from meteorites. First it is closer to the earth. Hi Sue, Your lesson sounds great. Ccleaner for windows server 2012 r2 - 3isam chawal... Hi Sue, Your lesson sounds great. The using excel to create a speed graph.

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13.02.2018 - Do you anticipate finding other uses for measuring in images this year? Why would you land in your chosen spot? Ccleaner for windows vista 32 bit - Balas fito mp3... I ran this investigation in a way that kids had to basically "figure" things out. I would land on the nearside of the moon. But here are some sample answers to questions they had to answer.

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16.02.2018 - I ran this investigation in a way that kids had to basically "figure" things out. What phase of the moon should the moon be in to help make your spacecraft landing more successful? Ccleaner free download 64 bit for windows 7 - Full... These are great, as is the lesson, Sue. From my results I conclude the south and farside have larger craters.

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Chinasmartphonesonlineshopping. blogspot. com Forum > Diseases & Conditions > Fibromyalgia > Holy Moly -- Lab Results!!