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Both were movies set in outer space, and if one was hyper-realistic and the other fantastical, they both showed us the possibility of something rich that lies beyond our earthly grasp. Both indeed demanded and received an unusually wide viewership in that third dimension.

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He doesn't want to get out there on the perimeter on those pick-and-rolls, and he's not nearly smart enough to make up for the lost athleticism as the Spurs series showed.

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Martorano admitted to murdering 20 people and served 12 years in prison. Weeks was released after serving five years after admitting to being an accessory to several murders.

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The review could be formally announced as soon as Wednesday, the official added, speaking on condition of anonymity. When can you start? Thirty-five people suffered a stroke -- believed to be caused by the meningitis, Jernigan said -- and strokes were to blame for most of the 26 deaths in these states.

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I don't think he's the same guy defensively anymore. He doesn't want to get out there on the perimeter on those pick-and-rolls, and he's not nearly smart enough to make up for the lost athleticism as the Spurs series showed.

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But there may be many differences in their plans, including the features of the health insurance they offer, whether they will expand the ranks of part-time workers whom they don't have to cover and even the possibility of knowingly breaking the law and paying non-coverage penalties in order to save money.

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But first the plan would have toovercome questions about its safety and financing. I'm about to run out of credit zyrtec resepti Morgan Stanley is also trying to boost returns by buyingback stock for the first time since, and by continuing totrim expenses.

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Five years later, in June, Holmes filed for divorce from her superstar husband. But investors only picked up a modest It also gave an improved forecast for same-storesales for fiscal, saying they would range between a drop of3.

The previous rangewas between a drop of 5 percent to growth of 1. That is about a third of the amount the government accused former railways minister, Liu Zhijun, of accepting in bribes. Liu was given a suspended death sentence earlier this month.

Carlson thinks the fund performed better because of the mixture of bonds it selected, and also because it kept about 74 percent of the fund invested in stocks. That injury required surgery, and playing through it was so painful that he admitted thinking about retirement.

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I'd like to take the job precio medicamento antabuse "It is Lorillard's long-held belief that the best available science demonstrates that menthol cigarettes have the same health effects as non-menthol cigarettes and should be treated no differently," he said.

Though still home to more Catholics than any other region, the fervor has faded because of growth by protestant faiths and because consumer-focused city-dwellers have eclipsed the rural populace in which Catholicism took root.

But the group said the card will "start to fix the inequities in the present financial services system" by providing a low-cost cashless option for people who want to stay outside of the traditional banking system.

If you want to play the modern game, elusive and gets away, then give me Tony Romo. However, the transformation process will be difficult and Admiralty Arch is understood to be in a very poor state and in dire need of major repairs.

According to reports in The Daily Mail, We. Labour will put forward all-women shortlists in half of its target London seats at the next election, it emerged today. According to the newly appointed shadow minister for London, Sadiq Khan, six out of the 12 hot seats will be fought by women in He was only named shadow minister for London last month, but has been a major player in.

Too much emphasis is being placed on helping high-risk start-ups, with medium sized firms falling behind, business leaders said today. Speaking at the launch of a CentreForum report on boosting economic growth through SMEs, Business Secretary Vince Cable came out in support of tax changes that would help funnel more investment to these key job generating companies.

High-growth companies, such as tech firms, will be able to list on a niche stock exchange from next month, the London Stock Exchange announced last night. It was the biggest float since Direct Line insurers launched last month, with major investors flocking to buy up shares.

Upmarket grocer Waitrose will step up the number of its London stores, it emerged today. The supermarket, owned by John Lewis, plans to build 10 more Little Waitrose stores in Central London in the next year, doubling its current presence in the capital and creating some jobs.

The smaller stores are proving extremely popular in London and have seen rapid expansion since Waitrose moved into the convenience sector in Nationally there are now 36 Little Waitrose stores.

Business minister Michael Fallon has lashed out at the inaction, saying that more had to be done to pump the cash into the system during trying economic times. The money is supposed to be allocated by the London Enterprise Partnership, a council of business heads, but the group has yet to be fully assembled and has not started advising the Mayor on how.

Battersea Power Station will get its own interim park and picnic area by this summer, it was announced yesterday. The move has been warmly welcomed by residents who have been worried that the landmark construction project would impact their areas.

Airplane ticket prices for flights coming in and out of Heathrow might rise as airport bosses look to secure more funds for a major expansion, it emerged today. Heathrow bosses have put in a request to regulators for a five-year plan.

London start-up Azimo today launched the first remittances app for Facebook users, allowing them to directly transfer money almost anywhere in the world, through the social networking site.

Facebook members in more than countries will be able to use the service, expected to ease the burden of sending money abroad. It becomes a digital wallet within your Facebook profile,.

The dispute goes back to when a ticket issued in a suspended parking bay was deemed illegal as Camden Council had not gotten the proper authorisation to suspend the parking in the area. An average London home will cost half a million pounds by the end of the decade, leading economists have said.

Meet the entrepreneur loved by the NHS and the Square Mile bringing in-house yoga to offices and direct to your chair. Mobile News conducted a survey of shops around the UK, including London, will all stores contacted offering to send the new BlackBerry 10 phone im.

All overseas athletes that have been shunning the UK for tax reasons will be granted a tax-free visit to compete in the Olympic anniversary reunion. Chancellor George Osborne, yesterday, announced that there would be an amnesty for the duration of the track and field games being held at the Olympic Stadium this summer on the opening anniversary of the Games.

The Controversial politician, who stood down in to move to the US, had been running the social networking site Menshn with co-founder Luke Bozier. The site, which launched to great reviews in.

The American fashion brand, known for using chiselled topless. BlackBerry UK sales have surpassed expectations, according to early sales results released late yesterday.

The launch was widely hailed as the last ditched attempt to save the once iconic, but increasingly side-lined handset. The fight over three luxury London hotels will resume today as hotel and media magnates the Barclay twins head back to court with Belfast developer Paddy McKillen.

Camden will house the Hollywood Boulevard-style walk of fame. She is said to have worked two jobs to support her daughter and allow her to pursue her passion. Tony Blair yesterday challenged Labour leader Ed Miliband to come up with a set of concrete policies by the end of the year.

The sale of AEG, which also owns various sports teams including the LA Lakers, was first announced in September, but bids are expected to start being submitted from next week.

Thanks to the deal, announced today, jobs have been saved and the taxi-makers will be able to resume construction of the iconic London taxi. South and West London are to see a major Boris bike rollout, with bikes hitting the streets in April, it has been announced.

Boroughs including Wandsworth and Hammersmith and Fulham wil. The long-awaited Blackberry 10 was unveiled yesterday, spurring mixed reactions. Blackberry 10 launchThe launch of the two new touch-screen phones is being widely regarded as the last ditch attempt of the once iconic Canadian phone maker to make up its lost market share.

It has continued a relatively steady decline in price since the IPO last May. The company also showed that it was slowly updating to the more mobile-based use of Facebook, with. The prominence given to the Autumn Statement is confusing and costly, a House of Commons report out today has claimed.

In recent years it has come to rea. Ian Green ResidentialThe Oscar-nominated British actor is said to have put the four-to-five-bedroom home on the market, in light of an impending move to the States to focus on his career.

According to remarks published yesterday, Usmanov, who holds a The price tag will pay for the remainder of the year-lease on the property owned by retail letting firm Coal Pensions Property.

This signals that the UK is open for business and could be a huge benefit to London as foreign companies look to expand, the report said. In particular, it is believed that the UK is prime for emerging market inves.

The boost has been attributed to buoyant foreign demand, especially from Southeast Asia buyers who prefer modern properties. Emergency crews rushed to save a mother and her two-year-old daughter yesterday evening, after the toddler slipped and fell into the River Thames.

The year-old mother is believed have jumped into the cold water after the toddler slipped through some railings. They were rushed to hospital but according to hospital spokespeople do not ap.

Heathrow, however, will be missing out for now. It will not be directly linked to the London Euston line because of uncertainty surrounding the expansion of the third runway that will not be decided until after the next election.

The first HS2 phase, expected to commence in, will link London to Birmingham, cu. Olympic gold medallist Usain Bolt might have been the highlight of the Olympic Games but it seems that the track legend will not be in attendance at the Olympic anniversary celebrations.

It is believed that Bolt will boycott the track reunion scheduled to take place on 27 June, the first anniversary of the opening day of London, due to his ongoing battle with HMRC.

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange lashed out at a film based around the early days of his whistle-blower website for inaccuracies. Assange has been given a. Even deeper cuts are now expected, with Osborne yesterday telling Whitehall that more austerity wil.

The project is seen as vital piece of London infrastructure as it would stop 39m tonnes of untreated sewage being flushed into the river every day. In its Cities Outlook, released yesterday, the Centre for Cities said that: Stansted which handles around It is owned by BAA but the group was ordered to sell some of its UK holdings in by the Competition Commission, which ruled it was infringing competition rules.

BAA, which runs Heathrow, will now control just four airports, down from the original seven. London house prices have seen their biggest New Year surge since, according to a survey released today by real estate agents Rightmove.

Demand increased, as did the number of homes on sale in January, with Rightmove noting a 3. Last year also saw steep growth, with prices rising by 9. British men seem to endure the longest working hours out of their EU counterparts.

A study released today, shows that full-time male employees are on average working for This is two hours longer than the EU average of The results might seem surprising as the debt-riddled Greeks, have the second longest working hours at just over The wealthy Dutch, however, have.

London Mayor Boris Johnson slammed the pro-European business lobby last night, insisting Britain would not be harmed by looser links to the EU. The two had been in contention over the Croydon Whitgift site but will now submit a new plan, scheduled for approval in Britain must negotiate five key revisions to EU treaties, the group of Fresh Start Conservatives said today at the launch of their manifesto for change.

The program calls for powers to be clawed back with regard to financial services, social and employment law, policing and criminal justice. It also seeks the abolition of the Strasbourg European Parliament and demands greater safeguards for the free market, which it feels is coming under attack from Europe.

The Fresh Start Project. Rumours had been circulating for months about an expansion, but commentators largely speculated that Facebook had begun developing hardware and would soon launch its own series of phones or tablets.

Founders of UK aggregator site Adzuna, however, told Londonlove. Conservative Party voters, who supported Cameron in, are planning to turn away from the government at the European Parliamentary elections due next year.

Labour fared the best and. Veteran venture capitalist and outspoken EU critic Jon Moulton weighs in on why Branson is wrong and why British business would fare better out of Europe.

A loyal troop of underwear-only crusaders was not deterred by freezing temperatures yesterday, showing up en masse to celebrate annual No Pants on the Subway day. If you missed the spectacle, here are some prime pics.

Try looking out for the awkward expression of fellow fully-clad commuters, who look far more uncomforta. According to the latest results by Savills estate agents, more than super-prime homes exchanged hands, indicating that demand remained strong despite property taxation changes.

Upmarket developer Taylor Wimpey, along with Transport for London, have put in a bid to build two blocks of flats, next to Dalston Junction station. The average fall of 1. Labour has announced it will target 12 London election hot spots in, as part of their attempts to unseat the coalition.

The majority of Brits believe UKIP leader Nigel Farage should be allowed to participate in the televised General Election leader debates, according to a poll released today. Top tube facts to impress your fellow commuters as London Underground celebrates its th birthday.

The Bayswater mansion burnt down just months before Murtuzaliev was due to move into the six-storey property. The fire started in the basement and burnt through the rest of the house, visibly charring the outside of the house.

The first homes in the Battersea Power Station development will go on sale this week. No price has yet been set for the townhouses, which will go for substantially more. The sale is part of the wider acre redevelopment, which will include 3, homes, two hotels, alongside a score of offices and shops.

The number of new job vacancies in the City of London fell by a third last year, according to financial recruitment specialists, Astbury Marsden. The year-on-year decline for December was also stark.

Only new jobs, compared to 1, in were created. Cost-cutting and increased regulation have been widely blamed for the vacancy shortfall. And the proportion shows no sign of aba.

From the tube turning in style, to Richard Branson blasting off into space, London is action-packed this year…. Management has stayed hush about when a listing would take place but have pledged to take Twitter public when it is ready.

Twitter reached million users last year, and on a good day sees some million new. Might Britain be voting on its 40 years of EU membership soon? We look back at the big events so far….

The idea has been taken from the US, where shoppers are urged to shop at neighbourhood independents stores on the first weekend after Thanksgiving. The project has been in place since Umunna has now contacted Small Business Saturday organisers American Express to see if a similar scheme could be introduced i.

Britain assumed its leadership of the G8 group of historically the most developed countries in the world yesterday. Prime Minister David Cameron, who will assume the G8 rotating presidency, has pledge.

A mixed batch of employment predictions was released today, as forecasts struggled to make sense of uncertain economic data. A leading projection issued by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development CIPD concluded that UK employment would climb steadily in the next two year, to reach record highs of 30 million employed by The institute, however, remained uncertain about why exactly employment would rise, linking the increase to the same unknown factors that have.

The particularly busy Next sale had some 4, shoppers pile through the door by 9. Deputy prime minister Nick Clegg has warned the Conservative leadership that Britain must step up its EU role, rather than looking for the exit.

Scores of London-bound commuters were stranded after the Christmas break as severe flooding cut off rail routes to the capital. The flooding, coming on the back of London underground strikes and planned engineering work has spelled travel misery for all those to return or required to work in the pre-New Year period.

Severe delays and cancellations have hit much of the south west, the north west and Midlands and could last for several more days as heavy rain continues to pound the.

Thousands of shoppers queued overnight on Christmas to ensure they beat the crowds at the Boxing Day sales across the capital. Some shops opened as early as 6am to maximise shopping hours, in one of the busiest retail days of the year.

Westfield shopping centres in particular were reported to have seen massive lines long before the doors opened for business. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange addressed supporters at the Ecuadorian Embassy in Knightsbridge last night.

The plan in the New Broadway site in the centre of Ealing will also include a film museum and art studios. Empire Cinemas bought the rights to redevelop the site but. There are high hopes for a new four-runway superhub which would be reclaimed in the Goodwin Sands, resting some 3km off the east coast of Kent.

The plan is being put forward by London-based maritime engineers Beckett Rankine and would also include a golf course and an underground tunnel to connect the manmade island to the mainland.

The designers insist placing the. Barts and Necker to St. Moritz, we have a look where the glitterati will charter their private jets for the holidays. Only taxes from the oil industry contributed more.

But overall the sector paid significantly more in tax than just. Twitter has passed the million active users mark, the company announced yesterday. In record expansion, the social media site added million new users from May, bringing the total number of Twitterati to million.

The majority of these, however, do not tweet. London needs not one, not two, but three new runways if it wants to keep up with demand and not lose out to other cities, business leaders warned today.

The findings revealed in an Institute of Directors IoD report suggest that Heathrow will need two more runways, while Gatwick will need one more. The money will go towards regenerating stations and public areas along the east-west London train route.

During her minute visit to the morning session, Her Majesty was presented with a gift to mark the Diamond Jubilee. The visit comes following a rare invitation from prime minister David Cameron to sit in.

The findings come from an international survey of 11 countries, gauging national perception following the massive London-based events this summer. Astbury Marsden says that the slowdown in pay growth has been caused by the intense pressure being applied by regulators and shareholders, trying to reduce staff re.

The move is a blow to chancellor George Osborne as the agency upgraded its UK outlook in when he introduced his emergency budget. East Anglia is the least cheery with Less than a third of workplaces doing the Christmas gift sharing scheme.

The findings was released today by NPW, a major supplier of novelty gifts, such as stocking fillers retailed though stores like Waterstones, J. The report also pointed out that an average UK viewer watched just over minutes.

Google Maps is back. From today, Apple will offer native Google Maps apps to download for the iPhone5. Apple disastrously decided to switch to its own Maps version for its new range of iPhones, release in September.

The maps were grossly inaccurate, distorted images and were widely panned by users. Apple CEO Tim Cook apologised for the blunder, but the software chief Scott Fostall seemingly was ousted over the move, allegedly after failing to take the blame for the blip.

Vashi Dominguez gives Simona Sikimic a masterclass on how to pick a rock solid diamond this Christmas. Times editor James Harding resigned today, telling journalists News Corporation had made it clear they wanted him gone.

I have, therefore, agreed to stand down. Freezing temperatures and fog descended on London this morning, disrupting transport and halting flights. Heathrow cancelled 70 flights, while six more were cancelled from London City Airport in the early hours, bringing the total of flights cancelled to 24 at the Docklands airport.

Scores more inbound flights have also been delayed or grounded. Passengers are being advised to check flying schedules before leaving their homes. Visibility has started improving, especially in.

If approved, the move would be the second overseas expansion for the British-based, but Indian-owned company in as many months. Jaguar has announced that the expansio.

The Chelsea mega-basement, boasting an underground complex, has been axed, it was reported today. The move comes just before Kensington and Chelsea council was gearing up to reject the huge underground development plan, designed with a pool, cinema room, hot tub, gym and staff quarters.

Apple shares fell on Wednesday, in the biggest one-day decline in nearly four years. The slump has been attributed to concern that despite its ongoing profitability, the company will not meet its growth expectations.

Virgin Rail today secured another month contract to operate West Coast rail, running from London to the north and west. The makeshift announcement comes as a government report into the bidding controversy is set to be released later this afternoon.

Virgin Rail has operated the West Coast route since the mids, but failed to renew its contract earlier this year. The bid initially went to FirstGroup, but the government was publicly forced to rescind the deal at the last.

It was sold under auction because agents seemingly had trouble shifting the four-story home. However, it reportedly attracted a lot of fake buyers, with genuinely interested parties put off by fans milling around outside.

The Back to Black and Rehab singer, who struggled publicly with drink and drugs, was found dead. Mega Monday is here! Today, more people will go online to shop that at any other day of the year.

The first Monday in December is not only an alarm bell that Christmas is almost here, with it coming days after most people receive their last pre-holiday paycheques.

The Hammersmith Flyover, ferrying some 90, vehicles each day, was known to be at risk of collapse months before it was shut for emergency repairs. Transport for London was warned about the danger in a report, issued two months before the flyover was closed.

The closure happened just days before Christmas on 23 December last year, when it emerged that salt water from the repeat gritting had rotten the internal steel cables. It was finally reopened in late May this year for the O.

We get glutinous for National Eating Out Week! The UK has been at loggerheads with its European counterparts over increases in the EU budget for weeks. Reports emerged over the weekend that the EU was currently drafting an alternative budget, which would exclude the UK for the — period.

The UK opposes any incre. Virgin and British Airways have had a tumultuou. London might be over, but the impact of the Games lives on - just ask Olympic gold medallist Denise Lewis.

Escapades with the Dirty Blonde take II: Furore may be surrounding the tax practices of big multinationals like Starbucks. But it actually seems the British taxpayer owes various multinationals for illegally charging corporation taxes for decades.

The ruling is a landmark case which could bring many more claimants to the. London is among the cheapest major cities in western Europe for big brand shopping, a survey said today.

Fashion seems to be more af. London is the most attractive location for international retailers in Europe, property firm Jones Lang LaSalle said today. According to a report, London outperformed main rivals Paris, which ranked second and Moscow which ranked third.

Alongside high-growth markets s. Sinofsky has been with the firm for more than 23 years. His departure comes just weeks after the launch of the flagship Windows 8 operating system. Chancellor George Osborne came under pressure from Tory MPs again today to raise the highest rate of council tax.

Andrew Tyrie, chairman of the Commons treasury committee became the latest high-ranking Tory to support an increase. This system means that the owner of a luxury home in Mayfair can pay the same as a.

Business activity in London fell for the first time in 11 months, according to data released by Lloyds TSB today. In October, private sector companies in London recorded a contraction, the first since November, when the UK economy began heading for a double dip recession.

The pace of decrease was slight, but the fastest in 42 months, Lloyds TSB said. Private sector employment in London also continued to fall, with the rate of job losses outstripping that of the UK, the.

London businesses came out strong at the European Business Awards, scooping up five awards. The European Business Awards have run since and reward businesses for innovation and ethical practices.

Since, the European Business. In his outgoing speech yesterday, Communist Party chief Hu Jintao said that the party had plans to double the average household income by It is believed that the announcement is an indication that China will embark on another stimulus package after the handover.

Party general secretary Xi Jinping will assume the top spot next week after the close of the 18th Communist Congress. The next 12 months however will be slow. Heathrow bosses have called for four runways to be put up and the West London airport to be turned into a super hub.

Controversy has been raging over whether a third runway should be built, but Heathrow Airport Holdings yesterday went a step further. Drawing on recommendations from the Free Enterprise Group and Policy Exchange, BAA publicly requested that the Davies commission, looking into the viability of a third runway, broaden its scope to consider a fourth runway.

From luxury cat hotels to zombie weekends, we look at some of the weirdest businesses that defy logic as well as tough economic times. Food sales rose by 3. The store saw no Olympic b.

While the iPad Mini has performed well almost selling out within weeks, the California-based company has had trouble pushing the new line of its larger tablet. The East London airport will sink the cash into upgrading its departure gates, lounges and baggage services.

Five other EU countries, however, taxed its wealthy individuals more. The funds were amongst 33 banks that acted as underwriters for the California-based company, an investigation by The Wall St.

UK insolvencies are falling, it emerged today. In the three months leading up to October, there were bankruptcies instead of in the same period of However, this news is severely tempered by the poor health of the.

The British economy is to shrink by 0. Growth in will also be slow, with few signs of recovery until, the think tank noted. The California firm lost an appeal last month which claimed that Samsung had infringed on their design rights.

Apple posted the ruling but misrepresented the issue. Facebook employees were scheduled to be able to start selling their shares on Monday after a pre-agreed 6 month hiatus, but were prevented from doing so by the freak storm which lashed New York.

Hurricane Sandy pushed the NY Stock Exchange to close for two full days for the first time in over years. The million share batch which was freed-up on is among the first of several phases.

In findings released today CBI said that growth will be slow for the next two years, standing at a predicted 1. The estimate has been revised upwards from 1. Instead of contracting by 0. The group said the move was part of a wider Chinese drive to diversify its international portfolio.

Westminster Council has plans to crack down on luxury residential property developers, it emerged today. The council is worried that the high-end residences are making the area unaffordable for smaller and medium-sized companies as developers are converting office space into expensive residential homes.

The number of applications to conve. Apple announced yesterday that two senior managers were leaving the firm. The package was to be paid over the next five ye. The bid is twice as much as was expected.

The project has been in doubt since German firms abandoned the plan en masse. Russia has also offered to step into the British market. Deputy prime minister Igor Shuvalov held meetings with business secretary Vince Cable on Monday about propo.

The Carlyle Group revealed yesterday that it will put forward plans to build nine buildings in the area between Blackfriars Bridge and Tate Modern. The proposal will see almost homes intended for City workers, as well as 25, sq ft of retail space and, sq ft for office space.

It is expected that the project will bring in over 1, permanent jobs to the area. The tallest building in t. Lloyds Banking Group has unveiled plans to scrap traditional incentives for sales staff today.

The pilot scheme will see incentives for sales volumes replaced with incentives based on customer service. The move comes following advice from the FSA in the wake of payment mis-selling issue.

The banks recently submitted an official protest to the UK Treasury via a letter issued by the Association of Foreign Banks. The letter is a blow to chancellor George Osborne who has long touted London as a natural haven.

A lot, lot taller, as more than skyscrapers are set to be erected, it emerged today. The residential tower blocks are either already under construction or have planning permission, estate agent Knight Frank said in a report.

The report identifies 25 blocks over 20 stories which are already being built and a further 78 with permission. London should brace for major travel disruptions as London Bridge station gets ready for a major overhaul, it emerged today.

Rail bosses have warned that when the station redevelopment starts next year, commuters could be hit with years-worth of delays. It is expected to run from May until and is expected to boost annual capacity from 50 to 75 million passengers.

Trouble was brewing for Apple as it released mixed results for the three months leading up to October. According to results published yesterday, Apple revealed that sales were below expectation with iPads performing particularly badly.

The shortfall has been blamed on the timing of the iPhone 5 and iPad Mini launches. The company still inc. Viva the United Boroughs of London? The board of Barclays Bank looks likely to be purged by new chairman Sir David Walker, it was revealed today.

According to media reports, most senior figures in the bank will be replaced once Sir David officially takes the helm at the troubled bank next month. Once Sir David fully assumes control in November, it is repor.

Forget travel insurance, with London delivery in 90 minutes, style-passport prepares you for every eventuality. There is an abundance of help available to SMEs hungry for growth through international trade, and UK Trade and Investment is at the forefront of that support.

UKTI is the government organisation responsible for getting Britain exporting, helping the UK win and keep business contracts overseas, and also persuading foreign companies to bring their business to Britain.

It is not just Central London locations that have foreign buyers flocking to London. Investors from Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore t. The UK postgraduate system is not doing enough for UK graduates, a report warned today.

British universities are focusing too much on attracting higher fee-paying international students than helping British students gain the skills they need to plug the labour gap created by a fast-changing economic climate, the Higher Education Commission said.

The wait is over. Mobile provider Everything Everywhere today revealed the prices of its 4G mobile packages. Unlike most 3G schemes, however, which in principle promise unlimited data, 4G limits will be imposed.

Executive pay-outs at Lloyds Banking Group could be revamped, it emerged today. According to reports by the Financial Times, the British bank is investigating whether to scrap its yearly bonuses in favour of long-term incentive payment structure.

This could see annual perks for its top staff transformed into incentives that pay out only after ten years. Jesus may have turned water into wine, but a British company seems to have gone one better.

Air Fuel Synthesis AFS announced today it has made petrol directly from water and carbon dioxide in the air. It hopes to be able to roll the system out commercially within two years.

Since August, AFS says they have made five litres of petrol by using a refinery that turns carbon dioxide and water vapour into petrol. The end product can be used to power cars but its greatest value.

London business confidence for next year fell this quarter, according to figures released today by the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It now stands at 26 points.

The drop is due to ongoing weak retail demand. Samsung won the latest round of the ongoing design war with Apple yesterday, when UK courts threw out its appeal on tablet design. The original Apple case was struck down in July, and the US company ordered to print ads saying that Samsung.

London mayor Boris Johnson threw down the gauntlet over airport expansion last week, apparently threatening the government with legal action. Most of the investment has gone on o. The British bank has been selected for its overall commitment to improving opportunity and accessibility for its staff and customers.

Joanna Wootten, director of information and advice and disability standard lead at Business Disability Forum, said: Londoners on average have to wait 18 years and 10 months to save enough for a deposit on their first property, the Yorkshire Building Society revealed today.

Consumer price inflation fell in September to levels not seen since three years ago. According to the Office of National Statistics, inflation last month stood at 2. Retail price inflation that accounts for housing and tax costs also experienced a month-on-month decrease of 2.

The government has long been hoping for a decrease in inflationary pressure, expecting that it would encourage consumers to spend more. Ecclestone had asked for a multi-million pound support package from British authorities to get the Grand Prix off the ground.

London is once again the best financial city in the world, PricewaterhouseCoopers has found. It climbed four spots since last year to beat off other European capitals as well as Asian banking havens such as Hong Kong.

London created a fifth of all UK graduate jobs this year, according to a survey released today. The south-easterly migration comes as graduate employment figures continued their steady improvement.

The UK economy is expected to contract by 0. It is one of the starkest forecasts issued today by the fund for a country, which has revised its world outlook down from 3. The IMF blamed the weak recovery largely on the ability of governments to restore business confidence.

David Cameron responded by saying that the economi. Big worries are weighing on our Prime Minister. Is Boris after his job? Will the Conservative party conference give him a much needed poll bump?

How on earth will he rescue the economy from the shredder? Sleepless nights a-plenty, for sure. But poor Cameron now has another daunting task at hand. On Saturday, the PM finally launched his Twitter account.

Now he must learn how to wield it to prime ministerial standards. But having come out of the gate in a quasi-sedated way, will he. European red tape must be cut back if businesses are to grow, business minister Michael Fallon said today.

During Brussels meetings with MEPs and European Commission officials, the minister urged the EC to implement a host of anti-regulatory reforms starting in January Only 10 UK universities made the much-coveted Times Higher Education World Rankings this year, down from 14 in — and 12 last year.

The latest tranche of funding will be made available to accelerator enrolled firms by UK. According to the leak, London eateries have scored a net gain of 8 new stars, with a host of newcomers gracing the London culinary scene, as well as an old favourites going up a grade.

No new London restaurants however entered the highly coveted 3 star range. Skip to main content Skip to navigation. Search the site Search. Residential property Commercial property. London culture London restaurants London bars and pubs London art.

Boris finally admits he wishes he was back in Parliament Fri, 27 Sep London Mayor Boris Johnson has long kept us guessing about his political ambitions. But what do Mr or Ms cool look like?

Mon, 23 Sep What does it take to be cool today? The list shows that IoD chief economist: Cut public sector to become a "rocket ball" economy Wed, 18 Sep The UK economy risks losing out if it does not drastically curb the size of the public sector, IoD chief economist and policy director Graeme Leach warned today.

London-based firms also did particularly well, taking up 52 places and seven of th Who are the LibDems' rising stars? Why suits are supporting social enterprise Bye bye fund managers.

The computers are making your roles redundant - report Thu, 12 Sep How has your day been so far? Google yesterday pledged to enact a broader set of concessions aimed at staving off the fine and easing criticism that it was favouring its own services in its internet searches an Made in Britain: The trend seeme Putin: Its first half-year results published ye Google a go!

The approval comes a day after news broke that Twitter talk: Londoners' takes on the Walkie Scorchie Tue, 3 Sep Bringing you some of the funniest tweets about the Fenchurch death ray Flying high: The French hat 4, "complacent" pubs "stuck in the s" should close in, says drinkers' guide Thu, 29 Aug Like the bulk of the press and political establishment we have mainly written about what a shame it is that 25 to 50 pubs were closing down every week across the UK.

The news co Mark Carney speech: The need-to-know highlights Wed, 28 Aug Bank of England governor Mark Carney gave his first major address today, clarifying his position on monetary policy and the future of stimulus.

More from Sk Syria intervention sends markets tumbling as energy firms gain ground Wed, 28 Aug The growing prospect of military intervention in Syria has sent global markets scuttling, with the FTSE and Dow Jones indices both losing ground.

More from ReutersMortgage lending soars Gherkin co-owner files for form of bankruptcy Wed, 21 Aug The co-owners of the Gherkin announced yesterday they have filed for a form of bankruptcy, after restructuring negotiations failed.

Built in honour of Queen Victoria the Grade I listed building was mainly used for official government work, before losing out to Whitehall and beginning to fall into And the award goes to London's ugliest new buildings named and shamed Wed, 21 Aug Every year the ugliest new UK buildings get named and shamed in the Carbuncle Cup prize, and this year is no different.

The personal hit for Miliband comes shortly after the Conservatives got a rare polling break, with recent surveys suggesting t Google: The decision by US authorities announced late yesterday come Crowdfunding project of the month: More from the Daily TelegraphThe Tories surge in economic competence p Galloway starts crowdfunding for anti-Blair film Mon, 12 Aug Whatever your thoughts about George Galloway, you really have to hand it to him — the Bradford MP knows how to be provocative and above all refuses to go away.

Not content with bashing them in parliament, it now seems that Galloway wants to take the battle to the big screen — Revealed: Top 5 sales distorting the Prime Central London property price Mon, 12 Aug Acacia Road, Westminster is one of the many roads in Prime Central London where sales are distorting the average property priceThe release of the latest Land Registry data shows much of the same — average house prices are rising and Prime Central London houses are rising faster still.

More from t Epic fail! Under the layers of earth surrounding what is now North Woolwich, archaeological Mark Carney says forward guidance should boost economy Thu, 8 Aug The debate on whether or not the new Bank of England governor Mark Carney would break tradition and introduce a forward-looking guidance policy is over.

Baring some kind of miracle, this is not expected to happen until Richmond first UK high street that lets you pay with your face Thu, 8 Aug Cash has long been dead and plastic is on its way out too as schemes like paying contactless by phone gather pace.

After decades of relative stagnation, the capital is expected to see its population rise from slightly more than eight Metro Bank boss: More from t Driving with Google Glass to be made illegal in the UK Fri, 2 Aug The futuristic gadget is not even on sale in the UK, but looks like the Google Glass has roused the wrath of the authorities even before they hits the shelves.

The UK gets the most inward investment in Europe Wed, 24 Jul Britain kept its top spot out of all European countries in terms of inward investment i. Pancras graveyard put on display Wed, 24 Jul The foot, two ton beast has tickkled imaginations Metro Bank founder tells us he may no longer float next year Wed, 24 Jul Metro Bank founder Vernon Hill has cast doubt over whether he will take the company public next year, as had been expected.

The world's iconic buildings turn blue for the royal baby Tue, 23 Jul London, Canada and New Zealand rejoice John Lewis in big push to bring manufacturing back to Britain Mon, 22 Jul High street giant John Lewis has announced a major push to repatriate its manufacturing suppliers back to British shores.

The UK and Ireland opted out of the free travel agreement on the continent agreement, out of fear that it would lead to an inf 5 best-selling apps of all time - as the App Store turns five Thu, 18 Jul Note: They are not what you think!

F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone indicted in German bribery case Wed, 17 Jul News is breaking that F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone has been indicted by German lawmakers on alleged bribery charges.

Philip Booth, the editorial and programme director at the IEA said that the move was needed i Tories catch up with Labour as UKIP loses ground - poll Tue, 16 Jul The Conservatives have caught up with Labour for the first time in over a year, according to the latest polling results.

What is the royal baby nursery going to look like? The Duchy comprises of estates spread across, acres and are worth an BoJo u-turns on Boris Island airport and eyes Heathrow closure Mon, 15 Jul This week looks set to bring fresh bounds of controversy to the London aviation debate, with Mayor Boris Johnson voicing his strongest opposition to Heathrow yet.

As part of his transport vision for the city, Johnson will submit plans for three possible airport hubs; the Isle of Gain in the Thames estuary opposite London Gateway Port, UK economy to grow 1.

The property market, currently being buoyed by the announcement of schemes like Help to Buy, is also performing well and giving the economy a bum Royal Mail IPO: First class delivery or Junk Mail?

Sun, 14 Jul London business leaders on whether Royal Mail shares will be worth your money Osborne promises no more tax rises if elected in, but can he do it?

Fri, 12 Jul No more tax increases? However, every once in a while, the day name game does help to inspire us and remind us of something pret Hot ticket! The move follows on from a turbulent time for the Google boss whose company has been widely criticised for tax avo Farage heads to Belfast to promote UKIP Mon, 8 Jul UKIP leader Nigel Farage will travel to Belfast today as part of his bid to present his party as a genuine nation-wide force.

Our assistant editor Simona Sikimic was there, and examines its prospects Regent Street goes car-free every Sunday in July Fri, 5 Jul Londoners forced into doing a bit of shopping on the weekend tend to face some pretty horrid obstacles.

Bank of England keeps quantitative easing and interest rates level Thu, 4 Jul The Bank of England vowed to keep doing more of the same today as it announced it would keep interest rates and its asset purchasing rate level.

Capital Economics, which conducted the study, also wa Ernst and Young accidentally rebrands itself as a gay mag Wed, 3 Jul Worried that your company name is too long? Ove Queen cashes in on property boom as Crown Estate makes record gains Thu, 27 Jun Profits from the Crown Estate — owned by Queen Elizabeth — recorded record profits in the year to March, it was announced today.

The index gages the price of the popular dish, and is designed as an alternative indicator of purchasing power parity across the UK, much like the famous Wimbledon: Home is where the court is!

Six great properties with tennis courts Tue, 25 Jun As Wimbledon kicks off we look at the houses serving up sport in style Barack America? Four funny political name slips Fri, 21 Jun From funk musicians as Chancellors, to made up countries and patrotic last names Entrepreneur First is stealing the best talent from hedge funds.

According to top Down Wake up London! The page monster advises, among other things, that; senior bankers who disregard their responsibilities should be criminally prosecuted; that there should be a new set of regulations for those in a bank who can potentially cause it serious harm; and that banker pay should be deferred by up to 10 years and ultimately linked to the performance of the Xie xie?

To find out why this is so significant, read our new feature on ho Enjoy the hottest day of the year as Met forecasts decade of gloom Wed, 19 Jun Look outside London. The new Lego tube maps in stations now Fri, 14 Jun The London tube map has proven time and again that it can be a thing of inspiration, prompting interpretations from the funny to the edible.

Michael Gove is outspending Ed Balls in expenses! Thu, 13 Jun If you awoke this morning confused as to why it still seemed dark at 8am and why you were shivering hard under the covers in mid-June, you were certainly not alone.

Add to this a rather sta Video: What a shame it is London Mayor unveils his vision for Wed, 12 Jun London Mayor Boris Johnson yesterday unveiled a sweeping vision for the capital, calling for better transportation links and more tax-raising powers to combat unemployment and soaring house prices.

If his claims are Revealed: London must do more to attract Islamic finance Fri, 7 Jun A leading Foreign Office minister, Baroness Warsi, has told the City to get serious about Islamic finance or risk losing out.

London will be boosted by a bump in infrastructure which was bolstered thanks to the Olympics but wi Jamie Oliver to open up to 30 more worldwide restaurants Tue, 4 Jun Revenues were up Restaurants in Russia Prime and ultra prime London property ring spreading like wildfire Tue, 4 Jun Prime and super-prime residential areas of London are spreading at record rates, forming a growing ring around the classical hot spots in Knightsbridge and Mayfair, according to a new CBRE report.

Amazon bags new storey London office in Smithfield Fri, 31 May Amazon may have been in the spotlight over its controversial tax receipts of late, but the company is not letting the negative press affect its UK growth plans.

Have they bounced back? Government figure fiddlers blasted by own officials Wed, 29 May We have been hearing a lot about the age of big data recently, but it seems that in Westminster and Whitehall we are seeing another trend emerging — that of bad data.

The Commons Public Admin Hold on a minute! Abu Dhabi royals look to buy celebrity Kensington hospital Tue, 28 May A beloved celebrity hospital, which has treated big names from Cheryl Cole and Baroness Thatcher, may be sold to the Abu Dhabi royal family, The Times reported today.

Assange is wanted on sexual abuse charg Mad mayors! A mega hub at Stansted is where it is at Fri, 24 May Latest designs of mega project north east of London revealed Heathrow shuts after British Airways plane "catches fire" Fri, 24 May Heathrow Airport has been shut, following a reported engine fire.

Just Date night at Primo London: Tue, 21 May The world around us is getting more tech-savvy by the second. Much like other luxury developments across London, the vast majori Forget the Mad Men!

Margaret Hodge sa The six worst flexible working myths: London's first ever property price Tube map revealed Wed, 15 May Which stations win in this Tube stop lottery?

Unions endangering Royal Mail float, warns Fallon Mon, 13 May Union opposition may force ministers to backtrack on plans to list the Royal Mail on the stock exchange, business minister Michael Fallon has warned.

If this pressure does not ease, Fallon clai Who wants to be a council millionaire? Can this one smart strategy save it? Thu, 9 May We have long known that the mega-rich love London, but new figures out today show just how much of a millionaire Mecca London really is.

And this is before the And the next oil drilling hotspot is Thu, 9 May The Home Counties may be just about the last place in the world where one might expect to find oil, but Sussex now looks like it may become a major drilling ground for the black gold.

London business leaders talk candidly Thu, 9 May Its recent rise has been staggering. Thu, 2 May They may have secured chart topping single after chart topping single, but the Spice Girls have so far had a car crash of a West End career.

Say hi to your new house in the sky Simple searches can predict stock markets, says study Fri, 26 Apr If you ever needed further proof that stock markets were largely indicators of consumer and investor confidence, then look no more.

The base is seen as a vital part of Shocking: Four dictators with London homes Wed, 24 Apr We love being the playground of the international elite, but have we gone too far? Covent Garden office fire causes evacuation Mon, 22 Apr A fire has broken out at a five-story office block in Covent Garden, leading to evacuations.

However, E To attention shoppers! The illust Can London keep up its admirable employment record? Thu, 11 Apr The new London job statistics may look all roses but should we brace for a stink?

London Met University regains right to accept foreign students Wed, 10 Apr Disgraced London Metropolitan University, which was banned from sponsoring non-EU students after instances of widespread visa abuse were uncovered, has won back the right to enrol foreigners.

Until now, most auction houses and galleries have operated out of Hong Kong, which has more liberal business rules a UKIP throw down gauntlet to Tories in fielding record local candidates Tue, 9 Apr UKIP seem determined to act on their growing poll popularity and will field three times as many candidates in the upcoming local elections compared to, it has emerged.

With 1,, UKIP will almost triple the number of local candidates compared to, although the party will contest slightly less than the The Rolling Stones Hyde Park gig: Second, and much more important, it is economically illiterate to blame Eastern Europeans for getting up early and working hard and being polite London's Easter exodus: Where are Londoners escaping?

Marta Andreasen - "I'm no traitor. During the height of the financial crisis in, Berkshire was asked t Ex-Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho: I love London Wed, 27 Mar Ever since he left Chelsea in, rumours have been flying that former manager Jose Mourinho would be making a comeback and moving back to London full time.

Tue, 26 Mar New hospitality schools and schemes are rising up, but is it too late? Sarkozy insists that he only met Bettencourt once during Review: Check out this handy infographic of how the Help to Buy It's official - bankers' bonuses capped at double salary by EU Thu, 21 Mar As we were busy looking inward at the Budget last night, and wondering whether it could get the economy going again, things outside our control were brewing down in Brussels.

Did Osborne's "Aspiration Nation" Budget woo businesses? However on this fateful Budget morning, which by all accounts will be a rather bland affair, Osborne has f Introducing the 'SouthBerg'!


No sir...


Huawei Ascend G7 UK launch confirmed. Huawei Ascend G7 UK launch confirmed 23 Feb by Kevin Thomas. The Huawei Ascend G7 was announced back in September, but it’s taken until now for Huawei to release it in the UK. In fact it’s still not here yet, but Huawei has now confirmed that it will be launching in March. With a slim 7.